Speaker: Yoni Nazarathy (Maths)
Affiliation: University of Queensland


Programming of Simulation, Analysis, and Learning Systems, or “Programming for Mathematicians” for short is a new UQ course taught for the first time this semester. In this informal talk we’ll present the status of the course and share experience gained from it so far. The talk and discussion may also be useful for coordinators and lecturers of other courses in our programs that involve programming. The course website with detailed information as well as online lectures is here: https://courses.smp.uq.edu.au/MATH2504/.

The talk will be recorded. All welcome! Delicious virtual treats may be provided.

About Teaching and learning seminars

Our teaching and learning seminars focus on innovations and projects that are underway in teaching mathematics, statistics and physics at UQ and other institutions.

We discuss the hot issues, and hear from people who are trying out new things.

Over the past 10 years many new ideas have been generated, collaborations made both within and across disciplines, and teaching grant proposals designed, submitted and received.

Students, staff and visitors to UQ are welcome to attend, and to suggest speakers and topics.


Zoom address: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/84410349277

Other upcoming sessions