Speaker: Ailsa Dickie (ITaLI) and SMP staff 
Affiliation: University of Queensland


Gradescope is an innovative tool that facilitates the submission and marking of handwritten assessments. In this presentation, we will provide attendees with an overview of two different use cases of Gradescope and feature short presentations from course coordinators who have successfully integrated Gradescope in their courses.




I. Tool Demonstration by Ailsa Dickie, ITaLI

A. Submission and marking of student assignments using Gradescope

B. Scanning and marking of student on-campus paper-based exams with Gradescope


II. Experience of Course Coordinators using Gradescope

A. Dr. Sam Kault & Tina Jin - MATH1052 Summer Semester 2022

B. Associate Professor Barbara Maenhaut - MATH1071 & MATH3302 S1 2023

C. Dr. Carlos Ponce Campuzano & Ivana Carrizo Molina - MATH2400 S1 2023

D. Wenbo Li - MATH1040 S1 2023

About Teaching and learning seminars

Our teaching and learning seminars focus on innovations and projects that are underway in teaching mathematics, statistics and physics at UQ and other institutions.

We discuss the hot issues, and hear from people who are trying out new things.

Over the past 10 years many new ideas have been generated, collaborations made both within and across disciplines, and teaching grant proposals designed, submitted and received.

Students, staff and visitors to UQ are welcome to attend, and to suggest speakers and topics.


Priestley Building (67)
Room: 442 (and via Zoom:

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