Dr Wen-Hsi Yang (The University of Queensland)

The Queensland saucer scallop (Ylistrum balloti, formerly Amusium balloti) otter-trawl fishery used to be the most valuable commercially-fished species in Queensland ocean waters. Over the last few years, there has been growing concern among fishers, fishery managers and scientists over the decline in catch rates and annual harvest. A quantitative assessment conducted in 2016 showed that scallop abundance was at an historic low level. Based on the findings, the Queensland scallop stock was concluded to be recruitment overfished, and significant management changes to fishery was announced accordingly. Since then, one following research project is focused on improving the performance of the stock assessment for better predictions for management of the stock. The new stock model is expected to cope with environmental influences and provide precise predictions for the areas of interest such as SRAs (scallop replenishment areas). This talk will represent the current progress on improving the prediction of catch rates standardization and identifying environmental influences. The results of these two are crucial in the current developing stock model.

This is a joint work with Drs Michael F. O’Neill, Anthony J. Courtney, George M. Leigh and Matthew J. Campbell (the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland), and Prof Jerzy A. Filar (CARM, University of Queensland).

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