SMP ARC Future Fellowship Success

11 Nov 2019

In October 2019 it was announced that Dr Pat Scott has been awarded an ARC Future Fellowship - Converging on new particles and fundamental symmetries.

The goal of this project is to test theories for new particles and fundamental symmetries. By using advanced computational and statistical methods to combine all relevant data from many different experiments with a large number of different theoretical predictions, it expects to reveal just how well different theories actually describe reality. This will help us to understand what new particles and fundamental symmetries exist beyond those we already know. It will lead to new algorithms and computational methods in machine learning and statistical sampling, and will train a cohort of graduates highly skilled in statistical data science and research computing.

Dr Scott was one of 8 UQ recipients to receive this competetive research grant. 

Congratulations also to Dr Tyler Neely from SMP who was another recipient of an ARC Future Fellowship - Turbulent cascades in superfluid Flatland.

Read the full story here
