School seminars and colloquia
We present regular seminars and colloquia across a broad range of topics within mathematics, statistics and physics.
Students, academics and visitors to UQ are welcome to attend.
Maths colloquia
Our maths colloquia are directed at students and academics working in the fields of pure and applied mathematics, and statistics.
Physics colloquia
Past topics have addressed dark matter emission, the observation of gravitational waves, and quantum mechanics and gravity.
Applied maths seminars
We present regular seminars on a range of applied mathematics interests.
See our applied maths seminars
Pure maths seminars
We present regular seminars on a range of pure mathematics interests.
Mathematical biology seminars
See our mathematical biology seminars
Physics seminars
We present regular seminars on a broad range of physics research within SMP, along with frequent presentations from visiting researchers.
ANZ cold atom seminars
Monthly seminars for the Australian-New Zealand cold atom research community.
See our ANZ cold atom seminars
Industry seminar series
Forum for speakers from industry to present challenges and opportunities in the industry, and their insights.
To recieve news on the seminar series, subscribe to the mailing list by joining with a UQ email address here, or by sending an empty message to
See our industry seminar series
Financial maths and economics seminars (UQ-Osaka)
The Financial maths and economics seminars are part of the collaborative initiative Advancing Quantitative Methods for Emerging Challenges in Finance and Insurance between UQ and Osaka University.
See our Financial maths and economics seminars
Statistics, modelling and operations research seminars
Events are jointly run by our Operations research and Statistics and probability research groups.
See our statistics, modelling and operations research seminars
Teaching and learning seminars
Our fortnightly events focus on innovations and projects that are underway in mathematics, physics and statistics teaching.