Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

We’re committed to providing and promoting an equitable workplace.

We do this by providing our staff and students with resources and support, and acknowledging that a culture of diversity, inclusion and fairness creates positive experiences.

Our staff and students are involved in a range of UQ and School-wide diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Email the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee based at the School of Mathematics and Physics at smp.edi@uq.edu.au.

The School’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee was formed in 2014 and meets regularly.

It aims to:

  • promote an inclusive environment
  • examine and implement strategies to promote a diverse School community
  • ensure UQ diversity and inclusion policies are promoted across the School community. 

Its members:

  • raise awareness about equity and make it a standing item in School meetings
  • monitor School demographics (students, staff and events) to assess progress and identify when action is needed
  • organise women in physics and UQ Ally events, such as talks, welcomes and social gatherings
  • encourage staff to complete UQ’s Managing Unconscious Bias Program
  • ensure selection committees are aware of unconscious bias
  • advise lecturers on how to create an effective and inclusive learning environment
  • recruit colleagues to the UQ Ally and UQ Respect networks
  • organise focus groups to establish the parameters for a School-wide survey of inclusion and diversity attitudes and issues among staff and higher degree by research students
  • promote and apply for Pleiades Awards.

View and download the Equity and Diversity Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 279.4 KB).

Visit the School's intranet to find out more (requires UQ login).


  • Professor Matthew Davis

    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Chair
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
    ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems


Student representative

Maarten Christenhusz, HDR Student Representative

Alexander Civil, Postgraduate Student Representative

SAGE Pilot of Athena SWAN Bronze Award

UQ  received a prestigious Bronze Institutional Award as part of the SAGE Pilot of Athena SWAN in 2019, which aims to address and improve gender equity in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) disciplines. 

The Action Plan will be implemented from 2023 to 2025.

Silver Pleiades Award

The School of Mathematics and Physics is a Silver Pleiades organisation.

The Pleiades Awards recognise organisations that are committed to inclusion, diversity and equity in astronomy.

They are awarded by the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in Astronomy Chapter of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 

SMP Inclusivity Information

The School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP) wants our community to be a caring, inclusive and empowering environment for all. 

On the Inclusivity Information page you can find information and resources to help you recognise and respond to instances of unacceptable behaviour in the classroom and in the workplace.

Quiet Class Trial

Quiet classes are currently being trialled in select courses in the Bachelor of Science. These classes are designed to support students with heightened sensitivities to stimuli such as noise, lights or strong odours. These classes are open to any student who would benefit from a calmer and more predictable atmosphere.

If you are interested in these classes you can find more information on the Quiet classes page.

UQ Ally Network

We’re committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for UQ staff and students who identify as LGBTIAQ+.

Several members of our School community are part of the UQ Ally Network.

UQ Allies strongly support UQ’s stance on making the University an accepting, positive, diverse and inclusive space.

Find a UQ Ally in our School (XLSX, 83.8 KB).

UQ Respect Network

The Respect Network aims to educate, equip and empower UQ staff and students to enhance the prevention of, and response to, sexual misconduct and all forms of discrimination and harassment across the university.

Members of our School community are part of the UQ Respect Network which you can join to promote a safe, respectful, inclusive, and violence-free culture.