Course list 2025
You'll find all of our 2025 undergraduate and postgraduate courses listed below.
See our semesters at a glance guide, below, or scroll to the bottom of the page for the full list.
To see details of courses that we offered in previous years, select the year you want to view.
Semester courses at a glance
Semester 1 undergraduate courses
Undergraduate courses
Course code | Course Title |
MATH1040 | Mathematical Foundations I |
MATH1050 | Mathematical Foundations II |
MATH1051 | Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH1052 | Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH1061 | Discrete Mathematics |
MATH1071 | Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH1081 | Advanced Discrete Mathematics |
MATH2001 | Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH2010 | Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH2301 | Linear & Abstract Algebra & Number Theory |
MATH2400 | Mathematical Analysis |
MATH2901 | Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH3090 | Financial Mathematics |
MATH3101 | Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems |
MATH3104 | Mathematical Biology |
MATH3201 | Scientific Computing: Advanced Techniques & Applications |
MATH3202 | Operations Research & Mathematical Planning |
MATH3302 | Coding & Cryptography |
MATH3303 | Abstract Algebra & Number Theory |
MATH3401 | Complex Analysis |
MATH3402 | Functional Analysis |
MATH3901 | Advanced Complex Analysis |
MATH4091 | Financial Calculus |
MATH4105 | General Relativity |
MATH4210 | Topics in Applied and Computational Mathematics |
MATH4306 | Topics in Combinatorics |
MATH4408 | Measure Theory |
MATH6006 | Special Topics I |
MATH6007 | Special Topics II |
MATH6030 | Mathematics Honours Research Project |
MATH6100 | Mathematics Honours Research Project |
PHYS1001 | Mechanics & Thermal Physics |
PHYS1171 | Physical Basis of Biological Systems |
PHYS2020 | Thermodynamics & Condensed Matter Physics |
PHYS2055 | Fields in Physics I |
PHYS2955 | Advanced Fields in Physics I |
PHYS3040 | Quantum Mechanics II |
PHYS3051 | Fields in Physics II |
PHYS3080 | Extragalactic Astrophysics & Cosmology |
PHYS3951 | Advanced Fields in Physics II |
PHYS4030 | Condensed Matter Physics |
PHYS4070 | Computational Physics II |
PHYS6004 | Special Topics in Physics |
PHYS6500 | Advanced Research Literature Review |
PHYS6600 | Physics Honours Research Project |
SCIE1100 | Advanced Theory & Practice in Science |
STAT1201 | Analysis of Scientific Data |
STAT2003 | Mathematical Probability |
STAT2201 | Analysis of Engineering & Scientific Data |
STAT3001 | Mathematical Statistics |
STAT3004 | Probability Models & Stochastic Processes |
STAT3007 | Deep Learning |
STAT3901 | Advanced Mathematic Statistics |
STAT4406 | Advanced Probability & Stochastic Processes |
STAT6003 | Special Topics I |
STAT6004 | Special Topics II |
STAT6030 | Statistics Honours Research Project |
STAT6040 | Statistics Honours Research Project |
Shared courses
Course Code | Course Title |
COSC3000 | Visualization, Computer Graphics & Data Analysis |
SCIE1000 | Theory & Practice in Science |
Semester 1 postgraduate coursework courses
Postgraduate coursework courses
Course code | Course Title |
DATA7202 | Statistical Methods for Data Science |
DATA7901 | Data Science capstone Project 1 |
DATA7902 | Data Science capstone Project 2 |
DATA7903 | Data Science capstone Project 2B |
MATH7000 | Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH7012 | Project or Thesis |
MATH7013 | Minor Project A |
MATH7014 | Minor Project B |
MATH7015 | Mini Project A |
MATH7016 | Mini Project B |
MATH7030 | Project or Thesis |
MATH7039 | Financial Mathematics |
MATH7040 | Mathematical Foundations I |
MATH7050 | Mathematical Foundations II |
MATH7051 | Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH7131 | Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems |
MATH7134 | Mathematical Biology |
MATH7231 | Scientific Computing: Advanced Techniques and Applications |
MATH7232 | Operations Research & Mathematical Planning |
MATH7305 | Applied Cryptography |
MATH7307 | Linear & Abstract Algebra & Number Theory |
MATH7332 | Coding & Cryptography |
MATH7333 | Abstract Algebra & Number Theory |
MATH7400 | Mathematical Analysis |
MATH7432 | Functional Analysis |
MATH7501 | Mathematics for Data Science I |
MATH7861 | Discrete Mathematics |
MOLI7101 | Molecular Targets & Imaging Probes |
MOLI7102 | Clinical Molecular Imaging |
MOLI7109 | Radiotracer Based Imaging |
MRES7002 | Magnetic Resonance Instrumentation |
MRES7003 | MR Safety & Monitoring |
MRES7007 | Diffusion & Perfusion Imaging |
MRES7009 | Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy & Applications |
MRES7013 | Fundamental MRI of the Breain & Spine |
MRES7014 | Fundamental Musculoskeletal MRI |
MRES7015 | Independent Clinical MRI Project |
MRES7018 | Advanced Research Project |
MRES7019 | Advanced Research Project |
MRES7025 | Magnetic Resonance Clinical Practice 1 |
MRES7100 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Fundamentals |
MRES7400 | MRI Pulse Sequence Construction & Image Contrast |
PHYS7004 | Special Topics in Physics |
PHYS7042 | Quantum Mechanics II |
PHYS7120 | Thermodynamics & Condensed Matter Physics |
PHYS7155 | Fields in Physics I |
PHYS7250 | Fields in Physics II |
PHYS7712 | Project A |
PHYS7713 | Project B |
PHYS7714 | Project C |
PHYS7722 | Research Project A |
PHYS7723 | Research Project B |
PHYS7743 | Extended Research Project |
STAT7003 | Mathematical Probability |
STAT7007 | Deep Learning |
STAT7013 | Project or Thesis I |
STAT7014 | Minor Project A |
STAT7015 | Minor Project B |
STAT7016 | Mini Project A |
STAT7017 | Mini Project B |
STAT7018 | Project or Thesis I |
STAT7174 | Applications of Computational Statistics |
STAT7301 | Mathematical Statistics |
STAT7304 | Probability Models & Stochastic Processes |
Shared courses
Course code | Course Title |
DATA7901 | Data Science Capstone Project 1 |
DATA7902 | Data Science Capstone Project 2 |
DATA7903 | Data Science Capstone Project 2B |
Semester 2 undergraduate courses
Undergraduate courses
Course code | Course Title |
MATH1040 | Mathematical Foundations I |
MATH1050 | Mathematical Foundations II |
MATH1051 | Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH1052 | Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH1061 | Discrete Mathematics |
MATH1072 | Advanced Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH2001 | Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH2010 | Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH2011 | Analysis of Partial Differential Equations |
MATH2100 | Applied Mathematical Analysis |
MATH2302 | Discrete Mathematics II |
MATH2401 | Mathematical Analysis & Advanced Topics |
MATH2504 | Programming of Simulation, Analysis, & Learning Systems |
MATH3070 | Natural Resource Mathematics |
MATH3102 | Methods & Models of Applied Mathematics |
MATH3103 | Algebraic Methods of Mathematical Physics |
MATH3204 | Numerical Linear Algebra & Optimisation |
MATH3205 | Further Topics in Operations Research |
MATH3301 | Graph Theory & Design Theory |
MATH3403 | Partial Differential Equations |
MATH3404 | Optimisation Theory |
MATH3405 | Differential Geometry |
MATH4090 | Computation in Financial Mathematics |
MATH4108 | Topics in Mathematical Physics |
MATH4307 | Topics in Algebra & Number Theory |
MATH4407 | Advanced Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations |
MATH6006 | Special Topics I |
MATH6007 | Special Topics II |
MATH6030 | Mathematics Honours Research Project |
MATH6100 | Mathematics Honours Research Project |
MATH6101 | Mathematics Honour Research Project |
PHYS1002 | Electromagnetism & Modern Physics |
PHYS1171 | Physical Basis of Biological Systems |
PHYS2041 | Quantum Mechanics I |
PHYS2082 | Space Science & Stellar Astrophysics |
PHYS2100 | Dynamics & Relativity |
PHYS2941 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics I |
PHYS3020 | Statistical Mechanics |
PHYS3071 | Computational Physics I |
PHYS3830 | Physics of Modern Technology |
PHYS3900 | Perspectives in Physics Research |
PHYS3920 | Advanced Statistical Mechanics |
PHYS4040 | Quantum Field Theory |
PHYS4045 | Quantum Technologies |
PHYS4055 | Atomic Physics & Quantum Optics |
PHYS4080 | Frontiers in Astrophysics |
PHYS6004 | Special Topics in Physics |
PHYS6500 | Advanced Research Literature Review |
PHYS6600 | Physics Honours Research Project |
PHYS6601 | Physics Honours Research Project |
SCIE3050 | Science Industry Placement |
SCIE3250 | Introduction to Research in Mathematics/Physics |
STAT2004 | Statistical Modelling & Analysis |
STAT2201 | Analysis of Engineering & Scientific Data |
STAT2203 | Probability Models & Data Analysis |
STAT2904 | Advanced Statistical Modelling & Analysis |
STAT3006 | Statistical Learning |
STAT3306 | Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data |
STAT3500 | Problems & Applications in Modern Statistics |
STAT4401 | Advanced Statistics |
STAT6003 | Special Topics I |
STAT6004 | Special Topics II |
STAT6010 | Statistics Honours Research Project |
STAT6030 | Statistics Honours Research Project |
STAT6040 | Statistics Honours Research Project |
STAT6041 | Statistics Honours Research Project |
Shared courses
Course code | Course Title |
BIOC2001 | Foundations of Molecular Biophysics |
COSC2500 | Numerical Methods in Computational Science |
COSC3500 | High-Performance Computing |
ENGG1500 | Thermodynamics: Energy and the Environment |
MATH3306 | Set Theory & Mathematical Logic |
PHRM1102 | Pharmacy Practice & Medicines Management 1B |
SCIE1000 | Theory & Practice in Science |
SCIE1200 | Introduction to Science Research |
STAT1201 | Analysis of Scientific Data |
STAT1301 | Advanced Analysis of Scientific Data |
Semester 2 postgraduate coursework courses
Postgraduate coursework courses
Course code | Course Title |
COSC7500 | Numerical Methods in Computational Science |
MATH7000 | Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH7012 | Project or Thesis |
MATH7013 | Minor Project A |
MATH7014 | Minor Project B |
MATH7015 | Mini Project A |
MATH7016 | Mini Project B |
MATH7022 | Project or Thesis in Financial Mathematics |
MATH7030 | Project Thesis |
MATH7031 | Project or Thesis |
MATH7040 | Mathematical Foundations I |
MATH7050 | Mathematical Foundations II |
MATH7051 | Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH7052 | Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations |
MATH7100 | Applied Mathematical Analysis |
MATH7130 | Natural Resource Mathematics |
MATH7132 | Methods & Models of Applied Mathematics |
MATH7133 | Algebraic Methods of Mathematical Physics |
MATH7202 | Further Topics in Operations Research |
MATH7234 | Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation |
MATH7306 | Quantum Algorithms & Computing |
MATH7308 | Discrete Mathematics II |
MATH7331 | Graph Theory & Design Theory |
MATH7407 | Mathematical Analysis and Advanced Topics |
MATH7433 | Partial Differentiation Equations |
MATH7434 | Optimisation Theory |
MATH7435 | Differential Geometry |
MATH7502 | Mathematics for Data Science 2 |
MATH7702 | Special Topics II |
MATH7703 | Special Topics III |
MATH7704 | Special Topics IV |
MATH7861 | Discrete Mathematics |
MOLI7104 | Cell-labelling & Tracking Technologies in MR & Molecular Imaging |
MOLI7107 | MR-PET Hardware & Software Integration |
MOLI7108 | Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MOLI7203 | Advanced Research Project |
MRES7002 | Magnetic Resonance Instrumentation |
MRES7003 | MR Safety & Monitoring |
MRES7005 | Fast Imaging Techniques |
MRES7010 | Minor Project |
MRES7013 | Fundamental MRI of the Brain & Spine |
MRES7015 | Independent Clinical MRI Project |
MRES7016 | Cardiac MRI - Techniques & Applications |
MRES7017 | Breast MRI |
MRES7018 | Advanced Research Project |
MRES7019 | Advanced Research Project |
MRES7020 | Advanced Research Project |
MRES7025 | Magnetic Resonance Clinical Practice 1 |
MRES7100 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Fundamentals |
MRES7400 | MRI Pulse Sequence Construction & Image Contrast |
PHYS7004 | Special Topics in Physics |
PHYS7021 | Statistical Mechanics |
PHYS7045 | Quantum Technologies |
PHYS7141 | Quantum Mechanics I |
PHYS7200 | Dynamics & Relativity |
PHYS7712 | Project A |
PHYS7713 | Project B |
PHYS7714 | Project C |
PHYS7722 | Research Project A |
PHYS7723 | Research Project B |
PHYS7732 | Advanced Research Project |
PHYS7740 | Advanced Research Project |
PHYS7741 | Advanced Research Project |
PHYS7743 | Extended Research Project |
PHYS7744 | Extended Research Project |
PHYS7745 | Extended Research Project |
PHYS7900 | Perspectives in Physics Research |
STAT7004 | Statistical Modelling & Analysis |
STAT7013 | Project or Thesis I |
STAT7014 | Minor Project A |
STAT7015 | Minor Project B |
STAT7016 | Mini Project A |
STAT7017 | Mini Project B |
STAT7018 | Project or Thesis I |
STAT7019 | Project or Thesis I |
STAT7120 | Analysis of Scientific Data |
STAT7203 | Probability Models & Data Analysis |
STAT7305 | Statistical Learning |
STAT7306 | Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data |
STAT7500 | Problems & Applications in Modern Statistics |
STAT7701 | Special Topics I |
STAT7702 | Special Topics II |
STAT7703 | Special Topics III |
Shared courses
Course code | Course Title |
BSAN7204 | Statistical Methods in Business |
BSAN7212 | Machine Learning in Business |
COSC7502 | High-Performance Computing |
DATA7001 | Introduction to Data Science |
DATA7002 | Responsible Data Science |
DATA7703 | Machine Learning for Data Scientists |
DATA7901 | Data Science Capstone Project 1 |
DATA7902 | Data Science Capstone Project 2 |
DATA7903 | Data Science Capstone Project 2B |