Dr Phillip Isaac

Personal page
Dr Phillip Isaac's personal page
Teaching and learning
Dr Isaac teaches into 2nd and 3rd year mathematics including mathematical analyis, calculus and linear algebra, and partial differential equations.
Researcher biography
Dr Phillip Isaac is a mathematician interested in algebraic structures, particularly those related to quantum integrable systems.
Phillip received his PhD in mathematics in May 2001 from UQ. The title of his thesis was "Quasi Hopf superalgebras and their dual structures".
He worked as a JAVA programmer/cryptographer for about 9 months before undertaking a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan. His project was entitled "Symmetries in quantum spin chains".
After his return to Australia in September 2003, he began casual employment at UQ, working as a first year tutor and developing course materials.
His current research activities involve developing the constructive representation theory of Lie (super)algebras, quantum groups and related structures, and its utility in application, particularly to quantum integrable systems.