Our seminars bring together UQ's applied and computational mathematics communities.

UQ and invited scientists deliver the presentations, which are informal and promote discussion.

We welcome suggestions for speakers and topics from staff, students and visitors, and encourage students to share their work.

Our seminars are usually held on Thursdays from 3pm to 4pm.

To suggest a topic or speaker, and for more information, contact Dr Dietmar Oelz or Dr Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman.


Dr Dietmar Oelz
Dr Cecilia Gonzalez-Tokman

The geometry of the space of generalised networks

22 February 2024 2:00pm3:00pm
Speaker: Stephen Y Zhang
Affiliation: University of Melbourne

Modelling in Hypersonic Fluid Dynamics

7 July 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Speaker: David Petty
Affiliation: UNSW

Non-Markovian analysis of fast protein folding dynamics

22 November 2022 11:00am12:00pm
Speaker: Benjamin Dalton
Affiliation: Freie Universitaet Berlin

Cryptography for blockchain

13 April 2021 2:00pm3:00pm
Veronika Kuchta
University of Queensland

The polymerisation ratchet, respectively Brownian ratchet

3 March 2020 2:00pm3:00pm
Dr Dietmar Oelz, School of Mathematics and Physics

Mathematical modelling of pattern formation in yeast biofilms

24 October 2019 2:00pm3:00pm
Alex Tam (The University of Queensland, School of Mathematics and Physics)

Chaotic Sensing: Using Fractals and Turbulence to Accelerate Imaging

4 October 2018 3:00pm4:00pm
Shekhar “Shakes” Chandra, Ph.D (The University of Queensland, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering)

Systems-level modelling of hepatitis C virus infection and treatment response

13 September 2018 3:00pm4:00pm
Pranesh Padmanabhan (The University of Queensland, Queensland Brain Institute)

Analysis, Simulation, and Optimization of Stochastic Vesicle Dynamics in Synaptic Transmission

16 August 2018 3:00pm4:00pm
Calvin Zhang, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, (University of Arizona)

Discrete and continuum modelling of biological network formation. Speaker: Jan Haskovec (KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science an Technology)

17 July 2018 10:30am11:30am
Motivated by recent papers describing rules for natural network formation in discrete settings, we propose an elliptic-parabolic system of partial differential equations. The model describes the pressure field due to Darcy’s type equation and the dynamics of the conductance network under pressure force effects with a diffusion rate representing randomness in the material structure. After a short overview of the principles of discrete network modelling, we show how to derive the corresponding macroscopic (continuum) description. The highly unusual structure of the resulting PDE system induces several interesting challenges for its mathematical analysis. We give a short overview of the tools and tricks that can be used to overcome them. In particular, we present results regarding the existence of weak solutions of the system, based on recent results on elliptic regularity theory. Moreover, we study the structure and stability properties of steady states that play a central role to understand the pattern capacity of the system. We present results of systematic numerical simulations of the system that provide further insights into the properties of the network-type solutions.

An entropy-based measure for comparing distributions

11 June 2018 11:00am12:00pm
Rajeev Rajaram (Kent State University, Ohio)

Modelling, predicting and understanding kidney development using microscopy imaging

22 March 2018 2:00pm3:00pm
Dr Nicholas Hamilton (Institute for Molecular Biosciences, UQ)