Associate Professor Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman

Personal page
Associate Professor Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman's personal page
Teaching and learning
Associate Professor Tokman teaches 1st year calculus and linear algebra.
Researcher biography
Cecilia is an associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Queensland. After completing undergraduate studies at Universidad de Guanajuato / CIMAT and PhD at the University of Maryland, College Park, she held research fellowships from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) and the Australian Research Council (ARC). She has also held a Promoting Women Fellowship by UQ.
Cecilia is an expert in the field of random dynamical systems (RDS). Along with collaborators, she has developed a framework for the study of transport in RDS, relying on the so-called Lyapunov–Oseledets spectrum. Her key contributions include the development of tools and algorithms to (i) approximate coherent structures and Lyapunov exponents, (ii) establish limit laws and quantify fluctuations, (iii) develop a thermodynamic formalism and (iv) optimise mixing. Her work also includes significant advances on data assimilation, metastable and dynamical systems.
Cecilia has received significant research funding from the Australian Research Council, including a 2016 Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) a 2018 ARC DP and a 2022 ARC DP as lead CI. She has led or co-led competitive applications for conference funding (20-60 participants), including a 2023 MATRIX Workshop, co-funded by the MATRIX-Simons Collaborative Fund, an Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) funded Mathsfest Workshop (ANU, 2016), a Banff International Research Station Workshop (Canada, 2015) and a BIRS-CMO Workshop (Mexico, 2018).
Cecilia has delivered over a hundred invited lectures, seminars and colloquia in almost twenty countries, including invited/keynote addresses at the ANZIAM 2023 annual conference, 2014 International Workshop Set Oriented Numerics (U Canterbury, NZ), 2017 Workshop Ergodic Theory, Algorithms & Rigorous Computations (U Warwick, UK), 2017 EMALCA (Latin-American & Caribbean Math School, Mexico) and participation at invitation-only workshops at AIM (USA), BIRS (Canada), Bernoulli Center (Switzerland), CMO (Mexico), CIRM (France), Centro De Giorgi (Italy), Lorentz Center (Netherlands) and MATRIX (Australia).
Cecilia's service roles include: MATRIX Scientific Committee (2019-), Australian Mathematical Society council (2018-2021) and Queensland representative at the ANZIAM Executive Committee (2019-2021).