Speaker: Sam Kault
Affiliation: University of Queensland
MATH1051 - Calculus & Linear 1 - typically has a high failure rate, especially in summer semester. Extra resources are offered to students in this course, but these are under-utilised by those who really need them. Over the past two summers, I've experimented with a system of "Competency Tests." Under this arrangement, students were set clear expectations about the precise skills they need to pass the course, but were given the chance to try again if they fell short. Detailed feedback was given after each attempt, in time to revise for the next. This system saw increased engagement by poor-performing students, and a higher overall pass rate. In this talk, I reflect on my experience with competency tests, and discuss their pros and cons.
The talk will be recorded. All welcome! Delicious virtual treats may be provided.
About Teaching and learning seminars
Our teaching and learning seminars focus on innovations and projects that are underway in teaching mathematics, statistics and physics at UQ and other institutions.
We discuss the hot issues, and hear from people who are trying out new things.
Over the past 10 years many new ideas have been generated, collaborations made both within and across disciplines, and teaching grant proposals designed, submitted and received.
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