Quantum droplets and supersolidity in a magnetic superfluid
Speaker: Professor Blair Blakie
Affiliation: University of Otago
Dilute magnetic superfluids are routinely produced in labs by cooling gases of the highly-magnetic lanthanides (bosonic isotopes of Er or Dy) into the ultra-cold regime. These systems exhibit long-ranged dipole-dipole interactions in additional to the usual short-ranged contact interactions. At the level of meanfield theory these gases are expected to be mechanically unstable to collapse when the short-ranged interactions are tuned to be weaker than the long-ranged interactions. Surprisingly experiments venturing into this regime have instead uncovered new types of behaviour: (i) self-bound quantum droplets, which persist in the absence of any container; (ii) a supersolid state of matter which possess both superfluid and crystalline order. In this talk I will give an overview of the basic physics of this system, a review of some of the main experimental developments, and outline of some of the related theoretical research in this area undertaken by my group.
About Australia - New Zealand Cold Atom Seminars
This new initiative hosts a seminar once a month for the Australia – New Zealand cold atom research community. The purpose is to encourage and facilitate ongoing discussions and collaboration in the local community. Talks should be less than 40 minutes in length to allow ample time for questions and discussion.
Seminars will be held on the last Friday of the month (except for December) at 1pm Melbourne time (which is normally 3pm New Zealand time). While the primary format is online via Zoom, various institutions will host the seminar in local seminar rooms. The Zoom link is https://uqz.zoom.us/j/88604569495
You can sign up for announcements for the seminars at this webpage:
Seminars are recorded, and past seminars can be accessed from this web page.
Contact Matthew Davis mdavis@physics.uq.edu.au for further information.