Title: Interpretable machine learning for Chest X-Ray diagnosis and COVID detection

YouTube Recording


The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic pivoted many research fields towards finding solutions to the disease. Machine learning on images offers great promise for fast and accurate detection of diseases, and in the early stages of the pandemic, some researchers attempted to rapidly deploy these techniques to diagnosing COVID-19. In this talk, I will discuss some of the flaws encountered in this research which can be identified through interpretability analysis, and discuss the importance of working with medical experts, and understanding the full pipeline in machine learning modelling beyond modelling and accuracy metrics alone.

About AI4PAN Artificial Intelligence for Pandemics Seminar Series centred at UQ

Welcome to AI4PAN, the Artificial Intelligence for Pandemics group centered at The University of Queensland (UQ). The group's focus is the application of data science, machine learning, statistical learning, applied mathematics, computation, and other "artificial intelligence" techniques for managing pandemics both at the epidemic and clinical level.