Speaker: Joel Scott (Raybould Tutorial Fellow)
Affiliation: University of Queensland


Online assessment in Mathematics, especially at the university level, is often limited by access to tools which can assess mathematical working and numerical values with varying degrees of precision. STACK is a tool with potential to offer some additional modes of assessment in Mathematics.

This semester in MATH1040 STACK was used to provide a Modular, Mastery-Based assessment, allowing students opportunities to access multiple attempts at demonstrating their knowledge and understanding. Results suggest that the system as it has been implemented is a comparable predictor of examination results to paper-based assignments used in previous semesters. In addition, the platform has potential to be utilised in other ways such as for revision and assessment of prior knowledge.

About Teaching and learning seminars

Our teaching and learning seminars focus on innovations and projects that are underway in teaching mathematics, statistics and physics at UQ and other institutions.

We discuss the hot issues, and hear from people who are trying out new things.

Over the past 10 years many new ideas have been generated, collaborations made both within and across disciplines, and teaching grant proposals designed, submitted and received.

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Room: 442 (and via Zoom: