Open quantum systems, bath correlation functions, and control
Speaker: Dr Gerardo Paz Silva
Affiliation: Griffith University
One of the key tasks in the development of quantum technologies is characterizing, predicting, and eventually controlling the behaviour of a general open quantum system. In this talk, I will briefly review some of the results my team has put forward on this topic and then present new and in-development results focusing on the problematic scenario of nontrivial quantum environments. In particular I will introduce a technique which uses only measurable seed information and allows us to keep track not only of the evolution of the system but also of (measurable) bath-related quantities which influence such dynamics, i.e., the bath correlation functions. I will show how this allows us to predict the behaviour of the system for longer times, as compared to existing tools with the same seed information/perturbative order. I will conclude by discussing some implications of these results and future directions.
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