Speaker: Dr Matthew Edmonds
Affiliation: ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies, University of Queensland


Ultracold atoms have become a versatile tool for performing quantum simulation in a clean and controllable setting. One prominent example is the achievement of mimicking various gauge theories with these many-body systems. This in turn has enabled the study of effects drawn from a variety of physical systems; ranging from condensed matter to high energy physics. Very recently, ground breaking experiments demonstrating a qualitatively novel form of synthetic magnetism in the continuum have been realized in the form of density-dependent gauge theories [1,2].


This presentation will give an overview of the recent theoretical and experimental achievements in this field, including a description of the emergent superfluid behaviour of these unusual systems in a quasi two-dimensional setting, reveling the nature of the vortex lattices and how their phenomenology depends on the different available experimentally tunable parameters such as the interaction strength and trapping geometry [3]. Finally, comments regarding future opportunities will be given for these synthetic forms of matter.


[1] K.-X. Yao et al., Nature 602 68, (2022)

[2] A. Fröllian et al., Nature 608, 293 (2022)

[3] M. Edmonds and M. Nitta, Phys. Rev. A 102, 011303(R) (2020)

About Australia - New Zealand Cold Atom Seminars

This new initiative hosts a seminar once a month for the Australia – New Zealand cold atom research community.  The purpose is to encourage and facilitate ongoing discussions and collaboration in the local community.  Talks should be less than 40 minutes in length to allow ample time for questions and discussion.

Seminars will be held on the last Friday of the month (except for December) at 1pm Melbourne time (which is normally 3pm New Zealand time).  While the primary format is online via Zoom, various institutions will host the seminar in local seminar rooms.  The Zoom link is https://uqz.zoom.us/j/88604569495

You can sign up for announcements for the seminars at this webpage:

Seminars are recorded, and past seminars can be accessed from this web page.

Contact Matthew Davis mdavis@physics.uq.edu.au for further information.



Zoom: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/88604569495