Presented by:  Carl Mautner, UC Riverside

The Schur algebra is a finite-dimensional algebra that encodes the rich representation theory of the general linear group. Motivated by geometry, Tom Braden and I have defined a similar algebra associated to any  graph or, more generally, matroid. After introducing the various objects involved, I will discuss how our work `categorifies’ some combinatorial results about matroids and discuss some new combinatorial questions that it raises.

About Pure mathematics seminars

We present regular seminars on a range of pure mathematics interests. Students, staff and visitors to UQ are welcome to attend, and to suggest speakers and topics.

Seminars are usually held on Tuesdays from 2 to 3pm.

Talks comprise 45 minutes of speaking time plus five minutes for questions and discussion.

Information for speakers

Researchers in all pure mathematics fields attend our seminars, so please aim your presentation at a general mathematical audience.

Contact us

To volunteer to talk or to suggest a speaker, email Ole Warnaar or Yang Zhang.


Priestley Building (67)

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