Speaker: Jonathan Spreer
Institution: University of Sydney
In this talk, I will demonstrate how to use triangulations and what is called normal surface theory to study problems about 3-dimensional manifolds in the field of geometric topology.
I will first go over how to represent a given 3-dimensional manifold M combinatorially as a triangulation. I will then introduce the framework of normal surface theory and the process of normalisation - a powerful method for classifying surfaces embedded in M. Finally, I will explain how this can be used to obtain deterministic algorithms for solving topological problems such as unknot or 3-sphere recognition.
About Maths Colloquium
The Mathematics Colloquium is directed at students and academics working in the fields of pure and applied mathematics, and statistics.
We aim to present expository lectures that appeal to our wide audience.
Information for speakers
Information for speakers
Maths colloquia are usually held on Mondays, from 2pm to 3pm, in various locations at St Lucia.
Presentations are 50 minutes, plus five minutes for questions and discussion.
Available facilities include:
- computer
- data projector
- chalkboard or whiteboard
To avoid technical difficulties on the day, please contact us in advance of your presentation to discuss your requirements.