Presenter: Professor Andrew Forbes, University of the Witwatersrand

Entanglement is a quintessential property of quantum systems, and captures the fact that the state may be written in a manner that is non-separable, so that a measurement on one affects the outcome of the other.  But non-separability is not unique to quantum mechanics: weather maps are non-separable, and more pertinently, so are certain forms of structured classical light, controversially referred to as “classical entangled”.  In this talk I will outline how these structured light beams can be created and how they can be used to blur the classical-quantum divide, demonstrating quantum tools applied to the classical world, and classical beams used in quantum processes.

About Physics colloquium

The Physics Colloquium series hosts a range of speakers from Australia and abroad. The series explores a variety of topics and everyone is welcome to come along. The seminars are open so there is no need to register your attendance.


Steele Building (03)

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