This Friday 12th October, The UQ Physics Colloquium is hosting Dr. Stephan Rachel from The University of Melbourne.

Title: Quantum Design of Majorana Fermions

Abstract:From the discovery of topological insulators to the search for Majorana fermions – topological states of matter have revolutionised condensed matter research. In order to fulfill the promise of topology-based technology in the future, it will be essential to engineer such systems. In particular, I will show how to create topological superconductivity by depositing magnetic atoms on the surface of a conventional superconducting substrate. Such a topological superconductor can host Majorana fermions, exotic quasi-particles which are believed to be useful for future topological quantum computers. By designing the magnetic surface structure we can manipulate the Majorana modes, thus opening the door towards Majorana-based devices.

About Physics colloquium

The Physics Colloquium series hosts a range of speakers from Australia and abroad. The series explores a variety of topics and everyone is welcome to come along. The seminars are open so there is no need to register your attendance.

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115, Prentice Building 42

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