
Inspection and maintenance are well-suited problem domains for the application of Robotics and AI by their nature of being Dull, Dangerous and Dirty task specifications.   While there has been significant progress in the application of robots in addressing these tasks, the current state of the art still lacks versatile mobility required for many of these robots in performing the tasks. Often the key reasons are domain constraints, the uncertainty of the environmental conditions and the reliable locomotion in complex 3D structures.

In this talk, i will introduce a couple of inspection platforms that are being developed and deployed for various challenging applications at the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group, CSIRO. I will then provide an overview of the current capabilities and open research questions that need to be addressed if we are to make progress in the domain of infrastructure inspection.



Tirtha is a research scientist at the robotics and autonomous systems group at Data61, CSIRO in Brisbane. At Data61 CSIRO, he is the cluster leader for inspection robotics where he leads industrial and research projects to develop novel mobility solutions. He attained his PhD at National University of Singapore and completed his Post-doctoral engagement with MIT Mech and CSAIL departments under the umbrella of SMART in Singapore.

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