
How does industry use maths to solve their problems? In this talk you hear about a number of case studies that Biarri has worked on and how it has applied maths to solve difficult industrial problems and help companies make better decisions.


Dr Evan Shellshear is the Head of Analytics at Biarri. Evan has a career spanning the globe having worked in Germany, Sweden and Australia. He has worked on analytics projects in a wide variety of industries from the largest automotive manufacturers to small startups. His knowledge spans all aspects of analytics from descriptive to prescriptive. He is also the author of multiple books including the best seller Innovation Tools.

About Biarri

Biarri is a Brisbane based company, operating globally, that specialises in mathematical modelling and predictive modelling. They build decision support tools that help companies move from Excel sheets to cloud based apps that reduce errors and are secure, fast and allow real time collaboration across teams. They are able to provide the full suite of services from optimisation to machine learning and AI. Biarri is one of a handful of Australian companies ever to have been nominated for the Franz Edelman award, the Nobel prize of analytics. Contact them at info@biarri.com.

About Industry seminar series

The industry seminar series aims to better connect industry and academia by providing a forum for speakers from industry to present challenges and opportunities  in industry, and their insights.

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