Speaker: Soroush Khademi
Affiliation: University of Queensland 


Slight deformations of an optical cavity changes its resonance frequency. Such deformations can happen due to the thermal vibrations of the bulk material forming the optical cavity. If the change in the resonance frequency is big enough, the light leaking out of the cavity is informative about the random thermal motion of the material. We engineer such optomechanical systems and then employ the information carried by the output light for estimating the motional state of the mechanical part. In this talk, I will discuss the physical requirements for achieving quantum (quantum squeezed or entangled) motional states at room temperature -- a critical possibility for mechanical resonance-based quantum technologies. I will also elaborate on our challenges for realizing such requirements in the lab and what we could achieve experimentally.

About Physics Seminars

The weekly Physics Seminar series focuses on a broad range of physics research within SMP, along with frequent presentations from visiting researchers. Seminars are usually scheduled for 1.00pm on Tuesdays.

The talks are typically more specialised than a colloquium but are often attended by staff and PhD students across a broad range of areas. Speakers are thus encouraged to include introductory material in the talks.

All SMP researchers and HDR students are encouraged to speak. Please email Lewis Williamson to register your interest.

The seminars are open so there is no need to register your attendance.


Physics Annexe (06)
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