Finite-time blowup of n-harmonic map flow
Initiated by Eells and Sampson in the 1960’s, our problem of interest is how to classify maps between manifolds by harmonic maps. Specifically, can a smooth harmonic map representative be found in a fixed homotopy class of maps between manifolds?
By introducing the heat flow method, Eells-Simpson gave an affirmative answer to this question when given the sectional curvature of the target manifold is non-positive. However, Chang, Ding and Ye constructed a counter-example which showed that the harmonic map flow could blowup in finite-time from a two-dimensional manifold (i.e. $n=2$). For $n>2$, there is no good answer to the Eells-Sampson question. Related to this, Hungerbühler studied the n-harmonic map flow and conjectured that this flow would blowup in finite-time.
This problem has remained open for nearly a quarter of a century. We studied this challenging problem and confirmed Hungerbühler’s conjecture by providing an example.
About Pure mathematics seminars
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Seminars are usually held on Tuesdays from 2 to 3pm.
Talks comprise 45 minutes of speaking time plus five minutes for questions and discussion.
Information for speakers
Researchers in all pure mathematics fields attend our seminars, so please aim your presentation at a general mathematical audience.
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To volunteer to talk or to suggest a speaker, email Ole Warnaar or Yang Zhang.