Professor Artem Pulemotov
School of Mathematics and Physics
+61 7 336 53270
Priestley Building (67), Room 755

Personal Page
Dr Artem Pulemotov's personal page
Teaching and Learning
Dr Pulemotov teaches a range of courses in mathematics.
Researcher biography
Artem Pulemotov holds a Bachelor's degree from Kyiv University and a PhD from Cornell University. His research is primarily in the field of geometric analysis. He had been a Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago before joining the School of Mathematics and Physics at UQ as a lecturer in 2012.
Book Chapters
Buttsworth, Timothy and Pulemotov, Artem (2021). The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for homogeneous metrics. Differential geometry in the large. (pp. 169-192) edited by Owen Dearricott, Wilderich Tuschmann, Yuri Nikolayevsky, Thomas Leistner and Diarmuid Crowley. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108884136.010
Berezansky, Yurij M. and Pulemotov, Artem (2008). Image of a Jacobi Field. Recent advances in matrix and operator theory. (pp. 47-62) edited by Joseph A. Ball, Yuli. Eidelman, J. William Helton, Vadim Olshevsky and J.ames Rovnyak. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag.
Pulemotov, Artem (2004). On the generalized joint eigenvector expansion for commuting normal operators. Current trends in operator theory and its applications. (pp. 517-524) edited by Joseph A. Ball, J. William Helton, Martin Klaus and Leiba Rodman. Basel, Germany: Birkhauser Verlag.
Journal Articles
Buttsworth, Timothy and Pulemotov, Artem (2025). Local solvability of the Poisson equation for closed $$G_2$$-structures. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 64 (2) 72. doi: 10.1007/s00526-024-02889-0
Pulemotov, Artem and Ziller, Wolfgang (2024). Palais–Smale sequences for the prescribed Ricci curvature functional. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 63 (7) 163. doi: 10.1007/s00526-024-02776-8
Goh, Phillip Kia Teng, Pulemotov, Artem, Nguyen, Hien, Pinto, Neil and Olive, Richard (2024). Treatment duration by morphology and location of impacted maxillary canines: a cone-beam computed tomography investigation. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 166 (2), 160-170. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2024.04.010
Broder, Kyle and Pulemotov, Artem (2024). Hermitian metrics with vanishing second Chern Ricci curvature. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 57 (1), 38-47. doi: 10.1112/blms.13179
Buttsworth, Timothy and Pulemotov, Artem (2023). The prescribed cross curvature problem on the three-sphere. Journal of Functional Analysis, 285 (5) 110019, 1-58. doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2023.110019
Gould, Mark and Pulemotov, Artem (2022). Homogeneous metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature on spaces with non-maximal isotropy. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 30 (8), 1849-1893. doi: 10.4310/cag.2022.v30.n8.a8
Arroyo, Romina M., Pulemotov, Artem and Ziller, Wolfgang (2021). The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on compact Lie groups. Differential Geometry and its Application, 78 101794, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.difgeo.2021.101794
Buttsworth, T., Pulemotov, A., Rubinstein, Y. A. and Ziller, W. (2021). On the Ricci iteration for homogeneous metrics on spheres and projective spaces. Transformation Groups, 26 (1), 145-164. doi: 10.1007/s00031-020-09602-3
Pulemotov, Artem (2019). Maxima of curvature functionals and the prescribed Ricci curvature problem on homogeneous spaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 30 (1), 987-1010. doi: 10.1007/s12220-019-00175-6
Pulemotov, Artem and Rubinstein, Yanir A. (2019). Ricci iteration on homogeneous spaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 371 (9), 6257-6287. doi: 10.1090/tran/7498
Pulemotov, Artem (2017). The Ricci flow on domains in cohomogeneity one manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456 (2), 745-766. doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2017.07.048
Pulemotov, Artem (2016). Metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature on homogeneous spaces. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 106, 275-283. doi: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2016.04.003
Pulemotov, Artem (2015). The Dirichlet problem for the prescribed Ricci curvature equation on cohomogeneity one manifolds. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 195 (4), 1269-1286. doi: 10.1007/s10231-015-0515-x
Pulemotov, Artem (2013). Metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature near the boundary of a manifold. Mathematische Annalen, 357 (3), 969-986. doi: 10.1007/s00208-013-0929-y
Pulemotov, Artem (2013). Quasilinear parabolic equations and the Ricci flow on manifolds with boundary. Journal für die reine und a ngewandte Mathematik, 683 (683), 97-118. doi: 10.1515/crelle-2012-0004
Bailesteanu, Mihai, Cao, Xiaodong and Pulemotov, Artem (2010). Gradient estimates for the heat equation under the Ricci flow. Journal of Functional Analysis, 258 (10), 3517-3542. doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2009.12.003
Pulemotov, Artem (2008). The Li-Yau-Hamilton estimate and the Yang-Mills heat equation on manifolds with boundary. Journal of Functional Analysis, 255 (10), 2933-2965. doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2008.07.025
Pulemotov, Artem (2008). The Hopf boundary point lemma for vector bundle sections. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 83 (2), 407-419. doi: 10.4171/CMH/130
Berezansky, Yu M. and Pulemotov, Artem D. (2007). Spectral theory and Wiener-Ito decomposition for the image of a Jacobi field. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 59 (6), 811-832. doi: 10.1007/s11253-007-0052-x
Berezansky, Y. M., Lytvynov, E. W. and Pulemotov, A. D. (2005). Image of the Spectral Measure of a Jacobi Field and the Corresponding Operators. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 53 (2), 191-208. doi: 10.1007/s00020-004-1344-2
Pulemyotov, Artem D. (2003). Support of a joint resolution of identity and the projection spectral theorem. Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 6 (4), 549-561. doi: 10.1142/S0219025703001444
Pulemotov, Artyom. (2001). On the support of the product of resolutions of identity. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 7 (2), 75-80.
Conference Paper
Pulemyotov, A (2004). On the generalized joint eigenvector expansion for commuting normal operators. International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA), Blacksburg Va, Aug, 2002. BASEL: BIRKHAUSER VERLAG AG.