Personal page

Associate Professor Yao-Zhong Zhang's personal page

Teaching and learning

Assoc Professor Zhang teaches 2nd year calculus and linear algebra, 3rd year applied mathematics,  4th year general relativity,  and also teaches postgraduate general relativity. 

Researcher biography

A/Prof Yao-Zhong Zhang's research interests are in: Lie (super)algebras, quantized algebras, representations, quantum integrable systems, (quasi-)exactly solvable models, correlation functions, supersymmetry and conformal field theory.

Yao-Zhong Zhang received his PhD from Northwest University, China, in 1988 under the supervision of Prof Bo-Yu Hou. He spent 12 years in Europe, Japan and Australia as Postdoctoral/Research Fellow, before becoming in 2001 a permament staff member as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics of the University of Queensland. Since April 2006, he has hold the position of Reader in the School of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Queensland, with the academic title of Associate Professor.