Project level: PhD

This experimental project is couched within the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) program “Quantum Engines and Instruments“. Work on this project will develop diverse and transferable skills, including electronic and optical design, experimental system design and implementation, software design, and data analysis. This project will also allow for attendance of related international workshops and conferences. There will also be the opportunity to interact with other projects within EQUS, as well as the theoretical quantum atom optics group at the University of Queensland.

The aims of this project are to develop and prototype a cold atoms-based engine cycle, in collaboration with UQ theorists. A key component of this project will be the development of a dual-species BEC, by expanding the capabilities of the current apparatus to additionally condense potassium-41.

Project members

Professor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems

Dr Tyler Neely

UQ Amplify Senior Lecturer
School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems