Project level: PhD, Masters

A number of Master and PhD studentships are available in the Quantum Device Laboratory, The University of Queensland in the area of superconducting quantum circuits. The laboratory aims at developing the next generation of superconducting nanodevices consisting of superconducting qubits or artificial atoms, microwave transmission lines and high quality superconducting resonators. These developments will allow for studying novel regimes of light-matter interactions on-chip and will have implications for quantum information and metrology. We seek motivated Master and PhD students with strong interests in quantum physics (solid state physics, quantum optics and quantum information) and at least in some of experimental techniques such as fabrication, microwave engineering, cryogenics, instrument control programming and low-noise experimental measurements. The research work will be conducted in the enthusiastic creative atmosphere and in tight collaboration with other members of EQuS Center. Potential candidates will have to apply for a scholarship to cover stipend and fees to comply with standard admission procedure of The University of Queensland. Further information on scholarships at the UQ graduate school

Project members

Associate Professor Arkady Fedorov

Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems