Project Duration: 6 weeks

Hours of Engagement: 36

Project Description:

Designing an intelligent computer that can interpret and learn from data and solve unfamiliar problems is a challenge for future computing. What seems to be so natural for the human brain is a huge challenge to create in the laboratory. Understanding how the brain works will be aided by a good toy model of a spiking neuron---this will be of interest to neuroscientists and developers of artificial intelligence alike. A photonics spiking neuron is one good candidate for such a toy model. A photonic spiking neuron starts with a material that shows a good response, e.g. a significant change in refractive index with either thermal or electrical input. In this project, you will measure the refractive index of novel glass or polymer materials that can potentially be used as a model of spiking neuron.

Expected Outcomes: 

Measured optical response of novel materials.

Suitable for:

Basic knowledge of optics will help.

Contact for further information:

Associate Professor Jacquiline Romero:

Project members

Associate Professor Jacqui Romero

Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems