Modern computation, advances in scientific technology and the increasing production of data have all increased the scope for applications of mathematics well beyond the traditional areas of engineering and the physical sciences, to include fields such as finance, economics, information technology and molecular biology.
Statistics, operations research and financial mathematics are the areas of mathematics most often used in industry, and there has been a particular upsurge in the number of mathematicians employed in banking, finance, insurance and risk management.
Graduates with a strong degree in any area of mathematics are respected for their excellent quantitative and problem-solving abilities and win a wide range of rewarding positions in the public and private sectors.
Why choose mathematics and statistics at UQ?
Our degree programs and advanced courses will provide you with a deep understanding of the foundations and applications of mathematics and prepare you for research within and beyond your area of interest.
Mathematics is essential in an expanding number of disciplines and professions. You may choose to join those scholars who continue to develop new mathematics for its own sake, or you may prefer to combine your knowledge of mathematics and statistics with modelling and computational skills and use the latest computer technology to solve problems in the physical and biological sciences, engineering, information technology, economics and business.
What our graduates say
Dr Leesa Wockner
"UQ is held in high esteem, and this was certainly a factor when choosing where to study. I was given exposure to research early on in my studies which led me to choose the career I have today. I enjoy the logic and theory of statistics and mathematics, but I love putting my skills to practical use ... working on cutting-edge projects, such as methylation patterns in brain tissue of patients with schizophrenia, or the transmission of dengue fever by mosquitoes."
Dr Leesa Wockner, Biostatistician, QIMR Berghofer Institute of Medical Research
Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Mathematics and Statistics), PhD Mathematical Statistics