Simon Marais Mathematics Competition

15 Oct 2018

On Saturday 13 October, 2018, around 30 of our undergraduate students participated in the second edition of the Simon Marais Mathematics Competition. Student feedback was extremely positive, and at the Sunday night dinner on Southbank, students were still discussing (and even working on) some of the problems. If you want to know more, please ask your class this week about about the bug and the three spiders...

Special thanks are due to our Maths academics, Ramiro Lafuente and Jorgen Rasmussen, for giving up their Saturday to supervise the competition, and to Masoud Kamgarpour for doing the same as well as acting as the local coordinator for the competition.

Thanks also to all staff who advertised the competition during classes. Activities like these are a great opportunity to show to our students that there are few things more fun than doing mathematics, even on Saturdays.

Professor Ole Warnaar

School of Mathematics and Physics

