Project Level: Summer

Project Duration: 6 weeks

Hours of Engagement: 20-36

Project Description: 

The term “atomtronics” has been coined to describe the creation of electronic circuit-like experiments using ultracold quantum gases. This project will develop a simple model of an atomtronic transistor based on kinetic theory of gases and apply it to understand an experiment performed at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Students will use knowledge of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to develop a model of particle and energy flow in a threeterminal trap.

A brief introduction to the field can be found here:

Expected Outcomes:

Students will learn how to solve the linear and nonlinear Schrodinger equation computationally with sources and sinks. The results may influence the UQ experimental program on Bose-Einstein condensates. A successful project will lead to publishing a paper describing the model and its results.

Suitable for:

Self-motivated students interested in physics and/or mathematics who are interested in gaining experience in research in theoretical and computational quantum physics.

Contact for further information:

Professor Matthew Davis:

Project members

Professor Matthew Davis

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Chair & Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems

Dr Lewis Williamson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Mathematics and Physics
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems