Associate Professor Lutz Gross
Honorary Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics

Researcher biography
- since 2023: Honorary Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland.
- 2017-2023: Associate Professor, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland.
- 2003-2017: Deputy Director (Software), Earth System Sciences Computational Center (ESSCC) & School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland.
- 2001-2003: Computational Scientist, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences Division, Melbourne, Australia.
- 2000-2001: Lecturer, Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University at Albany, Auckland, New Zealand.
- 1996-1999: Research Fellow, Center for Mathematics and its Applications, School of Mathematical Sciences, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra.
- 1989-1996: Research Scientist, Computing Center, University of Karlsruhe/Germany.
- Editor: Geoscientific Model Development Journal (GMD), & EGUsphere
- Australian Mathematical Society, ANZIAM
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Du Plessis, Jaco, Shaw, Simon, Boros, Vince, Amirbekyan, Artak, Kettle, Louise M., Muhlhaus, Hans B., Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi, Graham, Leon and Steube, Ken (2015). esys-Escript User’s Guide: Solving Partial Differential Equations with Escript and Finley Release - 4.1 (r5754). School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland.
Book Chapters
Gross, L., Cumming, B., Steube, K. and Weatherley, D. (2007). A Python Module for PDE-based Numerical Modelling. Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing: 8th International Workshop, PARA 2006, Umeå, Sweden, June 18-21, 2006, Revised Selected Papers. (pp. 270-279) edited by B. Kagstrom. Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-75755-9_33
Grosz, L. (2000). Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Supercomputers: The VECFEM Program Package. Invitation to Computational Science. (pp. 96-99) edited by S. Kawata, Y. Tago and Y. Umetani. Japan: Nikkei saiensu.
Grosz, L., Roll, C. and Schönauer, W. (1994). A Black-Box Solver for the Solution of General Nonlinear Functional Equations by Mixed FEM. Finite element methods: Fifty years of the Courant element. (pp. 225-234) Boca Raton, FL United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b16924-21
Journal Articles
Codd, Andrea, Gross, Lutz and Kerr, Janelle (2024). 2D Magnetotelluric Inversion Using Linear Finite Element Methods and a Discretize‐Last Strategy With First and Second–Order Anisotropic Regularization. Earth and Space Science, 11 (9) e2024EA003680. doi: 10.1029/2024ea003680
Zhou, Yan, Gross, Lutz and Codd, Andrea (2024). Inversion of 2D Magnetotelluric (MT) data with axial anisotropy using adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 226 105401. doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2024.105401
Li, Jing, Holliger, Klaus, Sato, Motoyuki and Gross, Lutz (2023). Preface to the special issue on “Recent advances in engineering and environmental geophysics”. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 219 105195, 219. doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2023.105195
Liu, Yaohui, Liu, Wenyi, Zhang, Xinyu, Lin, Yu, Zheng, Guoqiang, Zhao, Zhan, Cheng, Hao, Gross, Lutz, Li, Xiaoli, Wei, Benyong and Su, Fei (2023). Nighttime light perspective in urban resilience assessment and spatiotemporal impact of COVID-19 from January to June 2022 in mainland China. Urban Climate, 50 101591, 101591. doi: 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101591
Liu, Yaohui, Liu, Wenyi, Lin, Yu, Zhang, Xinyu, Zhou, Jie, Wei, Benyong, Nie, Gaozhong and Gross, Lutz (2023). Urban waterlogging resilience assessment and postdisaster recovery monitoring using NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data: A case study of the ‘July 20, 2021’ heavy rainstorm in Zhengzhou City, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 90 103649, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103649
Liu, Yaohui, Zhang, Xinyu, Liu, Wenyi, Lin, Yu, Su, Fei, Cui, Jian, Wei, Benyong, Cheng, Hao and Gross, Lutz (2023). Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment at the urban scale using support vector machine and GIScience technology: a case study of the Lixia District in Jinan City, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 14 (1) 2173663, 1-24. doi: 10.1080/19475705.2023.2173663
Zhou, Jie, Liu, Yaohui, Nie, Gaozhong, Cheng, Hao, Yang, Xinyue, Chen, Xiaoxian and Gross, Lutz (2022). Building extraction and floor area estimation at the village level in rural China via a comprehensive method Integrating UAV photogrammetry and the novel EDSANet. Remote Sensing, 14 (20) 5175, 1-20. doi: 10.3390/rs14205175
Wang, Zhen, Zhang, Shanwen, Gross, Lutz, Zhang, Chuanlei and Wang, Buhong (2022). Fused Adaptive Receptive Field Mechanism and Dynamic Multiscale Dilated Convolution for Side-Scan Sonar Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60 5116817, 1-17. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3201248
Chang, A., Gross, L. and Hörning, S. (2022). Full waveform inversion using Random Mixing. Computers and Geosciences, 161 105041, 105041. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2022.105041
Araújo, Roger R.F., Gross, Lutz and Xavier-de-Souza, Samuel (2021). Boosting memory access locality of the Spectral Element Method with Hilbert space-filling curves. Computers and Geosciences, 157 104938, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104938
Codd, A.L., Gross, L. and Aitken, A. (2021). Fast multi-resolution 3D inversion of potential fields with application to high-resolution gravity and magnetic anomaly data from the eastern goldfields in Western Australia. Computers and Geosciences, 157 104941, 104941. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104941
Smith, Troy, Rosenbaum, Gideon and Gross, Lutz (2021). Formation of oroclines by buckling continental ribbons: fact or fiction?. Tectonophysics, 814 228950, 228950. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228950
Codd, A. L. and Gross, L. (2021). 3D inversion for sparse potential data using first-order system least squares with application to gravity anomalies in Western Queensland. Geophysical Journal International, 227 (3), 2095-2120. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab323
Gross, L., Soueid Ahmed, A. and Revil, A. (2021). Induced polarization of volcanic rocks. 4. Large-scale induced polarization imaging. Geophysical Journal International, 225 (2), 950-967. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab018
Smith, T., Rosenbaum, G. and Gross, L. (2021). Numerical models of two-dimensional buckling and bending mechanisms and implications for oroclines. Journal of Geodynamics, 144 101826, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2021.101826
Tavakoli, Mojtaba, Nejati Kalateh, Ali, Rezaie, Mohammad, Gross, Lutz and Fedi, Maurizio (2021). Sequential joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data via the cross-gradient constraint. Geophysical Prospecting, 69 (7), 1542-1559. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.13120
Shao, Qi, Matthai, Stephan, Driesner, Thomas and Gross, Lutz (2020). Predicting plume spreading during CO2 geo-sequestration: benchmarking a new hybrid finite element-finite volume compositional simulator with asynchronous time marching. Computational Geosciences, 25 (1), 299-323. doi: 10.1007/s10596-020-10006-1
Mondal, S., Olsen-Kettle, L. M. and Gross, L. (2020). Sensitivity of the damage response and fracture path to material heterogeneity present in a sandstone specimen containing a pre-existing 3-D surface flaw under uniaxial loading. Computers and Geotechnics, 126 103728, 103728. doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103728
Liu, Yaohui, Zhou, Jie, Qi, Wenhua, Li, Xiaoli, Gross, Lutz, Shao, Qi, Zhao, Zhengguang, Ni, Li, Fan, Xiwei and Li, Zhiqiang (2020). ARC-Net: an efficient network for building extraction from high-resolution aerial images. IEEE Access, 8 9165718, 154997-155010. doi: 10.1109/access.2020.3015701
Liu, Yaohui, So, Emily, Li, Zhiqiang, Su, Guiwu, Gross, Lutz, Li, Xiaoli, Qi, Wenhua, Yang, Fan, Fu, Bo, Yalikun, Alimujiang and Wu, Lijuan (2020). Scenario-based seismic vulnerability and hazard analyses to help direct disaster risk reduction in rural Weinan, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 48 (Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 16 2016) 101577, 101577. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101577
Mondal, S., Olsen-Kettle, L. M. and Gross, L. (2020). Regularization of continuum damage mechanics models for 3-D brittle materials using implicit gradient enhancement. Computers and Geotechnics, 122 103505, 103505. doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103505
Hörning, S., Gross, L. and Bárdossy, A. (2020). Geostatistical electrical resistivity tomography using random mixing. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 176 104015, 104015. doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104015
Ahmed, A. Soueid, Revil, A. and Gross, L. (2019). Multiscale induced polarization tomography in hydrogeophysics: A new approach. Advances in Water Resources, 134 103451, 103451. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103451
Liu, Yaohui, Gross, Lutz, Li, Zhiqiang, Li, Xiaoli, Fan, Xiwei and Qi, Wenhua (2019). Automatic building extraction on high-resolution remote sensing imagery using deep convolutional encoder-decoder with spatial pyramid pooling. IEEE Access, 7 8832142, 1-1. doi: 10.1109/access.2019.2940527
Shao, Q., Matthäi, S. K. and Gross, L. (2019). Efficient modelling of solute transport in heterogeneous media with discrete event simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 384, 134-150. doi: 10.1016/
Shao, Qi, Matthai, Stephan and Gross, Lutz (2019). Efficient Modelling of CO2 Injection and Plume Spreading with Discrete Event Simulation (DES). SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-9. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3365738
Gross, L (2019). Weighted cross-gradient function for joint inversion with the application to regional 3-D gravity and magnetic anomalies. Geophysical Journal International, 217 (3), 2035-2046. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz134
Wilson, Hamish and Gross, Lutz (2019). Reflection-constrained 2D and 3D non-hyperbolic moveout analysis using particle swarm optimization. Geophysical Prospecting, 67 (3), 550-571. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12758
Mondal, Sanjib, Olsen-Kettle, Louise and Gross, Lutz (2019). Simulating damage evolution and fracture propagation in sandstone containing a preexisting 3-D surface flaw under uniaxial compression. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 43 (7), 1448-1466. doi: 10.1002/nag.2908
Wang, Jiao, Li, Zhenchun, Gross, Lutz and Tyson, Stephen (2019). Time-frequency analysis based on curvelet transforms with time skewing. Geophysical Prospecting, 67 (7) 1365-2478.12802, 1838-1851. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12802
Codd, A. L. and Gross, L. (2018). Electrical resistivity tomography using a finite element based BFGS algorithm with algebraic multigrid preconditioning. Geophysical Journal International, 212 (3), 2073-2087. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx511
Lamichhane, Bishnu P. and Gross, Lutz (2017). Inversion of geophysical potential field data using the finite element method. Inverse Problems, 33 (12) 125009, 125009. doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/aa8cb0
Wilson, Hamish and Gross, Lutz (2017). Amplitude variation with offset-friendly bootstrapped differential semblance. Geophysics, 82 (5), V297-V309. doi: 10.1190/GEO2016-0395.1
Sedek, Mohamed and Gross, Lutz (2017). Normal move-out correction in anisotropic and laterally heterogeneous media using simultaneous velocity variation with offset. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 45, 399-414. doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2017.05.014
Reiner, Johannes, Veidt, Martin, Dargusch, Matthew and Gross, Lutz (2017). A progressive analysis of matrix cracking-induced delamination in composite laminates using an advanced phantom node method. Journal of Composite Materials, 51 (20), 2933-2947. doi: 10.1177/0021998316684203
Sedek, Mohamed, Gross, Lutz and Tyson, Stephen (2017). Automatic NMO correction and full common depth point NMO velocity field estimation in anisotropic media. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 174 (1), 305-325. doi: 10.1007/s00024-016-1356-2
Schaa, R., Gross, L. and Du Plessis, J. (2016). PDE-based geophysical modelling using finite elements: examples from 3D resistivity and 2D magnetotellurics. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 13 (2) S59, S59-S73. doi: 10.1088/1742-2132/13/2/S59
Gross, L. and Shaw, S. (2016). Numerical investigations on mapping permeability heterogeneity in coal seam gas reservoirs using seismo-electric methods. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 13 (2) S50, S50-S58. doi: 10.1088/1742-2132/13/2/S50
Sedek, Mohamed and Gross, Lutz (2016). Automatic NMO correction in anisotropic media and non-hyperbolic NMO velocity field estimation. The APPEA Journal, 56 (2), 592-592. doi: 10.1071/aj15098
Gross, L., Altinay, C. and Shaw, S. (2015). Inversion of potential field data using the finite element method on parallel computers. Computers and Geosciences, 84, 61-71. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.08.011
Aitken, A. R. A., Altinay, C. and Gross, L. (2015). Australia's lithospheric density field, and its isostatic equilibration. Geophysical Journal International, 203 (3), 1961-1976. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv396
Muhlhaus, Hans, Gross, Lutz and Scheuermann, Alexander (2014). Sand erosion as an internal boundary value problem. Acta Geotechnica, 10 (3), 333-342. doi: 10.1007/s11440-014-0322-3
Gross, Lutz, Poulet, Thomas and Sheldon, Heather A. (2013). Conforming finite element methods for modeling convection in an incompressible rock matrix. Transport in Porous Media, 100 (2), 225-246. doi: 10.1007/s11242-013-0213-3
Yaron, Finzi, Hans, Muhlhaus, Lutz, Gross and Artak, Amirbekyan (2013). Shear band formation in numerical simulations applying a continuum damage rheology model. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170 (1-2), 13-25. doi: 10.1007/s00024-012-0463-y
Papon, A., Liu, X., Muhlhaus, H. and Gross, L. (2012). Orientation of shear bands for a rigid plastic frictional material in simple shear. Philosophical Magazine, 92 (28-30), 3564-3588. doi: 10.1080/14786435.2012.704417
Poulet, T., Gross, L., Georgiev, D. and Cleverley, J. (2012). ESCRIPT-RT: Reactive transport simulation in PYTHON using ESCRIPT. Computers and Geosciences, 45, 168-176. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2011.11.005
Finzi, Yaron, Hearn, Elizabeth H., Lyakhovsky, Vladimir and Gross, Lutz (2011). Fault-zone healing effectiveness and the structural evolution of strike-slip fault systems. Geophysical Journal International, 186 (3), 963-970. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05099.x
Fenwick, Joel and Gross, Lutz (2010). Lazy Evaluation of PDE Coefficients in the EScript System. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, 107, 71-78.
Muhlhaus, Hans, Moresi, Louis, Gross, Lutz and Grotowski, Joseph (2010). The influence of non-coaxiality on shear banding in viscous-plastic materials. Granular Matter, 12 (3), 229-238. doi: 10.1007/s10035-010-0176-9
Langer, S., Olsen-Kettle, L. M., Weatherley, D. K., Gross, L. and Mühlhaus, H. -B. (2009). Numerical studies of quasi-static tectonic loading and dynamic rupture of bi-material interfaces. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 22 (12), 1684-1702. doi: 10.1002/cpe.1540
Olsen-Kettle, L. M., Weatherley, D., Saez, E., Gross, L., Muhlhaus, H. B. and Xing, H. L. (2008). Analysis of slip-weakening frictional laws with static restrengthening and their implications on the scaling, asymmetry, and mode of dynamic rupture on homogeneous and biomaterial interfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113 (B8) B08307, B08307.1-B08307.18. doi: 10.1029/2007JB005454
Gross, Lutz, Muhlhaus, Hans, Thorne, Elspeth and Steube, Ken (2008). A new design of scientific software using Python and XML. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165 (3-4), 653-670. doi: 10.1007/s00024-008-0327-7
Meylan, Michael H. and Gross, Lutz (2008). A parallel algorithm to find the zeros of a complex analytic function. ANZIAM Journal, 44, 236-254. doi: 10.21914/anziamj.v44i0.495
Gross, Lutz, Bourgouin, Laurent, Hale, Alina and Muhlhaus, Hans (2007). Interface modeling in incompressible media using level sets in Escript. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163 (1-4), 23-24. doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.04.004
Davies, Matt, Muhlhaus, Hans and Gross, Lutz (2006). Thermal effects in the evolution of initially layered mantle material. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163 (11-12), 2485-2495. doi: 10.1007/s00024-006-0143-x
Mora, P, Muhlhaus, H, Gross, L, Xing, H, Weatherley, D, Abe, S, Latham, S and Moresi, L (2005). ACcESS: Australia's contribution to the iSERVO Institute's development. Computing In Science & Engineering, 7 (4), 27-37. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2005.64
Muhlhaus, H. B., Davies, M., Gross, L. and Moresi, L. (2004). The influence of elasticity and temperature dependence on geological flows.. 4th International Conference on Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience
Grosz, L. (2000). Preconditioning by incomplete block elimination. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 7 (7-8), 527-541. doi: 10.1002/1099-1506(200010/12)7:7/8<527::aid-nla211>;2-o
Conference Papers
Li, Lu, Aitken, Alan, Gross, Lutz and Codd, Andrea (2023). Density, temperature and composition of Antarctica’s lithosphere and impact on geothermal heat flux and mantle viscosity. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April 2023.
Nasiri, Shahram, Lau, Annie, Gross, Lutz, Nourifard, Nazanin and Pedram, Hamid (2021). Concerns over reliable earthquake-induced landslide hazard assessment: developing sophisticated geotechnical databases and 3D landslide inventories. The Fifth World Landslide Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2-6 November 2021. Kyoto, Japan: The International Consortium on Landslides (ICL).
Hoerning, Sebastian , Gross, Lutz , Chang, Ao and Bardossy, Andras (2019). Geostatistical electrical resistivity tomography using Random Mixing. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 April 2019.
Zhou, Y., Gross, L., Shao, Q. and Zhao, Z. (2019). Magnetotelluric forward modelling in general anisotropic media using open-source package esys-escript. 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019, London, United Kingdom, 3-6 June 2019. Netherlands: EAGE Publications. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201900700
Zhao, Z., Gross, L., Zhou, Y., Li, L., Li, H. and Yang, R. (2019). Automatic microseismic event detection using deep learning: a classification is detection method. 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019, London, United Kingdom, 3-6 June 2019. Netherlands: EAGE Publications BV. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201900761
Zhou, Yan, Gross, Lutz and Shao, Qi (2019). Magnetotelluric forward modelling in general anisotropic medium using esys-escript. International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications, Xi'an, China, 19–22 May 2019. Tulsa, OK United States: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. doi: 10.1190/GEM2019-041.1
Sander, R., Gross, L., Ham, D., Hargreaves, J., Kerkweg, A. and Rocher, D. (2018). 2008 - 2018: celebrating 10 years of geoscientific model development (GMD). 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Vienna, Austria, 4 - 13 April, 2018.
Fadilah, T., Gross, L. and Schaa, R. (2018). Estimation of aquifer properties using surface based electrical resistivity tomography. EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 9-13 April 2018. Netherlands: EAGE Publications. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201800374
Shao, Qi, Matthai, Stephan and Gross, Lutz (2018). Efficient modelling of CO2 injection and plume spreading with discrete event simulation (DES). 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, 21-26 October 2018. International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas, IEAGHG.
Zhao, Zhengguang, Gross, Lutz, Yang, Ruizhao, Li, Dewei and Deng, Lijun (2018). Microseismic location uncertainties of semblance weighted stacking method: a synthetic case study. CPS/SEG Beijing 2018 International Geophysical Conference and Exposition, Beijing, China, 24-27 April 2018. Tulsa, OK United States: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. doi: 10.1190/IGC2018-122
Muhlhaus, Hans and Gross, Lutz (2017). A breakage diffusion model for strength softening rock. 11th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials, IWBDG 2017, Limassol, Cyprus, May 21-25, 2017. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56397-8_70
Weijs, Liesbeth, Gross, Lutz, Vijayasarathy, Soumini and Gaus, Caroline (2017). PBTK modelling to reveal the toxicokinetics of dioxins in dugongs (Dugong dugon). DIOXIN 2017, Vancouver, Canada, 20-15 August 2017.
Schaap, Iris , Gross, Lutz, Covaci, Adrian, Jauniaux, Thierry, Blust, Ronny, van den Berg, Martin and Weijs, Liesbeth (2017). ROLE OF ADIPOSE TISSUE RESPONSIBLE FOR ECHOLOCATION IN THE BIOACCUMULATION PROCESS OF LIPOPHILIC COMPOUNDS IN HARBOUR PORPOISES. DIOXIN 2017, Vancouver, Canada, 20-25 August 2017.
Gross,Lutz , Codd, Andrea L. , Matthai, Stephan K. and Revil,Andre (2017). The Virtual Geophyscial Footprint for CO2 Sequestration. IACM 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems - FEF 2017, Roma, Italy, 5-7 April, 2017.
Li, Zhi and Gross, Lutz (2017). Parallel implementation of finite element method with hexahedral elements for forward modelling of gravity data. SIAM 2017, Pittsburgh, PA, United States , 10-14 July 2017. Philadelphia, United States: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Scheuermann, A., Muehlhaus, H. B., Galindo-Torres, S., Harshani, H. M. D., Aminpour, M., Bittner, T., To, P., Gholami-Korzani, M., Pedroso, D., Li, L. and Gross, L. (2017). Physical and mathematical modeling of erosion processes across the scales. 11th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials, IWBDG 2017, Limassol, Cyprus, 21-25 May 2017. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56397-8_73
Smith, T., Rosenbaum, G. and Gross, L. (2017). Application of buckling methodology to orocline formation. GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 1 November 2017.
Zhao, Zhengguang and Gross, Lutz (2017). Using supervised machine learning to distinguish microseismic from noise events. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (SEG 2017), Houston, TX United States, 24-29 September 2017. Tulsa, OK United States: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. doi: 10.1190/segam2017-17727697.1
Wilson, Hamish and Gross, Lutz (2016). Hybridised Weighted Boot-Strap Differential Semblance. ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016: 25th Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia, August 21–24, 2016. CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/aseg2016ab186
Sambridge, M., Hawkins, R., Salmon, M., Iaffaldano, G., Bodin, T., Gallagher, K., Rawlinson, N., Gross, L. and Byrne, J. (2016). The AuScope Inversion Lab: data science tools for the community. Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Adelaide, Australia, 26 - 30 June 2016.
Gross, L. and Andrea, C. (2016). Large-Scale 3D Resistivity Inversion of Subsurface Fluid Injection Monitoring Data using Adjoint State Methods. Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Adelaide, Australia, 26 - 30 June 2016.
Gross, L., Aitken, A., Altinay, C., Fenwick, J., Mondal, S., Olson-Kettle, L. and Shaw, S. (2016). Escript – Open-Source Tool for Numerical Modeling of Earth's Processes. Australian Earth Sciences Convention, Adelaide, Australia, 26 - 30 June 2016.
Aitken, A., Gross, L. and Altinay, C. (2016). The complex isostatic equilibration of Australia's deep crust.. EGU General Assembly Conference 2017, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April 2016.
Mondal, Sanjib , Olsen-Kettle, Louise and Gross, Lutz (2016). Numerical Modelling of Fracture Propagation and Damage Evolution for a Sandstone Specimen with a Pre-existing 3-D Surface Flaw. Agriculture as a metaphor for creativity in all human endeavors, Brisbane QLD Australia, 21–23 November 2016. Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University.
Reiner, J., Veidt, M., Dargusch, M. and Gross, L. (2016). Progressive matrix cracking induced delamination: A comparison of finite element modelling techniques. 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2016, Munich, Germany, 26 - 30 June 2016. Munich, Germany: European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM.
Gao, Jinfang, Gross, Lutz and Tyson, Steve (2015). Numerical investigations on the impact of fracture characteristics on elastic anisotropy in coal seam gas reservoirs. SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 9-11 November 2015. Richardson, TX, United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/176878-MS
Schaa, Ralf, Gross,Lutz and Du Plessis, Jaco (2015). Parallelized Three-Dimensional Resistivity Inversion Using Finite Elements And Adjoint State Methods. EGU2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
Gross, Lutz and Tyson, Stepen (2015). Estimating Effective Seismic Anisotropy Of Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs from Sonic Log Data Using Orthorhombic Buckus-style Upscaling. EGU2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
Fraser, Ryan , Gross, Lutz , Wyborn, Lesley , Evans, Ben and Klump, Jens (2015). The Five ‘R’s’ for Developing Trusted Software Frameworks to increase confidence in, and maximise reuse of, Open Source Software. EGU2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
Gross, Lutz and Schaa, Ralf (2015). Toward A Generic Framework for the Multi-physical Inversion of Large-scale Geophysical Data Sets. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, Australia, 29 November to 4 December 2015.
Reiner, Johannes, Veidt, Martin, Dargusch, Matthew and Gross, Lutz (2014). A computational investigation of failure modes in fibre metal laminates. ACAM 8: 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 23-26 November, 2014. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.
Mühlhaus, H. B., Gross, L. and Scheuermann, A. (2014). Sand erosion as an internal boundary value problem. 10th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials (2014 IWBDG), Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, 28-30 May 2014. Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Muhlhaus, H., Gross, L. and Scheuermann, A. (2013). Computational porous media modelling. LUCKY #13: XIII International Workshop on Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Hønefoss, Norway, 31 August-5 September, 2013. Oslo, Norway: Earth Dynamics Group.
Johannes Reiner, Veidt, Martin, Dargusch, Matthew S. and Gross, L. (2013). Comparison of phantom node and extended finite element method for damage evaluation in composite laminates. 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM V) and the 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM VI), Singapore, 11-13 December 2013. Barcelona, Spain: International Association for Computational Mechanics.
Gross, L., Altinay, C., Fenwick, J. and Gao, L. (2012). Combining numerical and symbolic computing in Python. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 27 April 2012. Gottingen, Germany: Copernicus Publications.
Gross, Lutz and Gao, Lin (2011). Algebraic upwinding with flux correction in 3D numerical simulations in geosciences. Para 2010: State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Reykjavík, 6-9 June 2010.
Mohajeri, Arash, Muhlhaus, Hans, Gross, Lutz and Baumgartl, Thomas (2011). Coupled mechanical-hydrological-chemical problems in elasto-plastic saturated soils and soft rocks using escript. 9th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials, Porquerolles Island, Provence, France, 23-26 May 2011. Dordrecht , Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-1421-2
Mohajeri, Arash, Muhlhaus, Hans, Finzi, Yaron and Gross, Lutz (2011). Numerical investigation of melt segregation using FEM coding environment Escript. ICCS 2011: International Conference on Computational Science. The Ascent of Computational Excellence, Singapore, Singapore, 1-3 June 2011. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.04.169
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Gao, Lin and Green, David (2010). A comparison of clusters with Intel "Nehalem" and "Harpertown" processors using an FEM Benchmark. 4th eResearch Australasia Conference, Gold Coast, Qld., Australia, 8-12 November 2010. Brisbane, Australia: eResearch Australasia.
Muhlhaus, Hans B., Moresi, L., Gross, Lutz and Grotowski, Joseph (2010). The influence of non-coaxiality on shear banding in viscous-plastic materials. Scientific Conference on From Shear Bands to Rapid Flow, Monte Verita, Switzerland, 22-27 Februray, 2009. Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10035-010-0176-9
Fenwick, Joel and Gross, Lutz (2010). Lazy evaluation of PDE coefficients in the EScript System. 8th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia, 18-22 January 2010. New South Wales, Australia: Australian Computer Society (ACS).
Fenwick, Joel, Mohajeri, Arash, Gross, Lutz and Muhlhaus, Hans (2010). Hybrid parallelism in EScript for demanding simulations. IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 7-10 December 2010. Piscataway NJ, U.S.A.: IEEE - Computer Society.
Altinay, Cihan, Binsteiner, Markus, Gross, Lutz and Weatherley, Dion (2010). High-performance scientific computing for the masses: Developing secure grid portals for scientific workflows. IEEE eScience 2010, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 7-10 December 2010. Piscatawa, NJ, U.S.A.: IEEE Computer Society Press. doi: 10.1109/eScience.2010.30
Gross, L., Amirbekyan, A., Fenwick, J., Gao, L., Mohajeri, A. and Muhlhaus, H. (2010). On lazy evaluation as a tool to optimize the efficiency of large scale numerical simulations in Python. 10th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 31 May-2 June 2010. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.240
Gross, L., Altinay, C., Amirbekyan, A., Fenwick, J., Hornby, P., Poulet, T., Sheldon H. A. and Steube, K. (2009). Solving transport problems for the exploration of mineral deposits and geothermal reservoirs. 4th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing Simulation, Modeling and Optimization of Complex Processes, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2-6 March 2009.
Amirbekyan, A. and Gross, L. (2008). Efficient solvers for incompressible fluid flows in geosciences. CTAC'08 - The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 13-16 July 2008. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Olsen-Kettle, L. M., Weatherley, D., Gross, L. and Muhlhaus, H.-B. (2007). Multicycle dynamics of fault systems and static and dynamic triggering of earthquakes. Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Conference (AAES, 2007), Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 23-25 November 2007. McKinnon, Vic., Australia: The Australian Earthquake Engineering Society.
Gross, L., Thorne, E. J., Davies, M., Smillie, J. G. and Muhlhaus, H. B. (2006). On a python module for PDE-based numerical modelling. Para'06, Umea, Sweden, 18-21 June 2006. Sweden: Universitat Umea.
Gross, L., Thorne, E. J. and Smillie, J. G. (2006). On Software infrastructure for computational earth sciences. Mastering the Data Explosion in the Earth and Environmental Ss, Canberra, ACT Australia, 19-21 April 2006. Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian Academy of Science.
Gross, L., Thorne, E. J., Smillie, J. G. and Muhlhaus, H. B. (2006). Numerical modelling with Python and XML. 5th ACES International Workshop, Island of Maui, Hawaii, 4-6 April 2006. Washington, DC United States: ACES.
Thorne, E. J., Gross, L, Cochrane, P. T. and Weatherley, D K (2006). Making a tsunami simulation: A Two week surboard ride. 5th ACES Int'l Workshop, Maui, Hawaii, 4-6 April 2006. Washington, DC United States: ACES.
Kettle, L. M., Mora, P. R., Xing, H., Weatherley, D. K. and Gross, L. (2006). Numerical simulations of earthquakes and the dynamics of fault systems using the finite element method. AIP 17th National Congress 2006, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 3-8 December 2006. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Australian Institute of Physics.
Muhlhaus, Hans-Bernd, Davies, Matt, Gross, Lutz and Moresi, Louis (2005). Non-Newtonian Effects in Simple Models of Mantle Convection. Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 14-17 June 2005. USA: Elsevier.
Abe, Steffen, Latham, Shane and Gross, Lutz (2005). Coupled Finite Element and Particle Based Simulations. First International Conference on Computational Methods For Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Santorini Island, Greece, May 25-27, 2005. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
Gross, Lutz, Davies, Matt, Cochrane, Paul, Muhlhaus, Hans and Smillie, Jon (2005). Python-based programming environment for solving coupled partial differential equations. Coupled Problems 2005: Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Santorini Island, Greece, 25-28 May, 2005. Barcelona, spain: CIMNE.
Mühlhaus, H. B., Davies, M., Gross, L. and Moresi, L. (2005). Non-Newtonian effects in simple models of mantle convection. 3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Boston MA, USA, 14-17 June 2005.
Gross, L., Cochrane, P. T., Davies, M., Muhlhaus, H. B. and Smillie, J. G. (2005). Earth Systems simulations on SGI Altix systems using Python. Global SGIUG 2005 Technical User Conference, Munich, Germany, June 2005. Greece: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
Gross, L., Cochrane, P. T., Davies, M., Muhlhaus, H. B. and Smillie, J. G. (2005). Escript: numerical modelling with Python. Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC) Conferene, Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Australia, 26-30 September 2005. Canberra, ACT Australia: APAC.
Mora, P. R., Saez, E., Weatherley, D. K., Gross, L. and Wang, C. M. (2005). A 2D finite-element method for simulating the physics of fault systems during earthquake cycles. IASPEI Conference, Santiago, Chile, 3-7 October 2005. USA: IASPEI.
Muhlhaus, H. B., Davies, M., Gross, L. and Moresi, L. (2004). The Influence Of Elasticity, Temperature And Fracture On Large Scale Geological Flow. Structural Integrity and Fracture International Conference (SIF'04), Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 September 2004. Australia: Australian Fracture Group Inc.
Gross, L., Davies, M., Imranullah, A., Muhlhaus, H. and Smillie, J. (2004). On the Efficiency of Python for Large-Scale Simulation in Earth Sciences. International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, Japan, Tokyo, 3rd - 6th November, 2004.
Gross, L., Davies, M., Gerschwitz, J. C., Muhlhaus, H. B. and Hornby, P. (2004). Towards a Modeling Environment for Earth Systems Simulations. 2004 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-20 August 2004. Washing, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Gerschwitz, J. C. and Gross, L. (2004). Benefits of unit testing in the development of earth system science software. 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Mora, P. R., Muhlhaus, H. B., Gross, L., Xing, H., Abe, S., Weatherley, D. K., Davies, M., Latham, S. J., Wang, Y., Saez, E., Wang, C. and Gerschwitz, J. C. (2004). The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator Major National Research Facility (ACcESS). 4th APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation Workshop, Beijing, China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Wang, C., Gross, L. and Mora, P. R. (2004). Meshing of fault systems using triangular elements. 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Saez, E., Mora, P. R., Gross, L. and Weatherley, D. K. (2004). A finite element method for simulating the physics of fault systems. 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Davies, M., Gerschwitz, J. C. and Gross, L. (2004). A high-level programming language for modelling the earth. 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Davies, M., Muhlhaus, H. B. and Gross, L. (2004). The rapid development of high performance numerical models in mantle convection. 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Muhlhaus, H. B., Davies, M., Gross, L. and Moresi, L. (2004). Elasticity, Yielding and episodicity in simple models of mantle convection. 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China, 9-14 July 2004. Beijing, China: China Earthquake Administration.
Muhlhaus, H. B., Davies, M., Gross, L. and Moresi, L. (2004). Elasticity, yielding and episodicity in simple models of mantle convection. Symposium on Instabilities across the Scales, Cairns, Australia, September 2004. Brisbane, Queensland: ACcESS MNRF.
Gross, L. (2004). Escript in earth systems simulations. Instabilities across the Scales, Cairns, Australia, September 2004. Brisbane: ACcESS.
Saez, E., Mora, P. R., Gross, L. and Weatherley, D. K. (2004). A dynamic finite element method for simulating the physics of fault systems. 2004 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA, Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Gross, L., Azeezullah, S. I., Mora, P. R., Saez, E., Smillie, J. G. and Xing, H. (2004). The programming language python in earth system simulations. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2004, San Francisco, U.S., December 2004. Washington DC, U.S.: American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Gross, L., Mora, P., Saez, E., Weatherley, D. and Xing, H. (2004). Software infrastructure for solving non-linear partial differential equations and its application to modelling crustal fault systems. Twelfth Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC2004), Melbourne, Australia, September 2004. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Davies, M., Gross, L. and Muhlhaus, H-B, (2004). Scripting High Performance Earth Systems Simulations on the SGI Altix 3700. 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in the Asia Pacific Region, Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 July, 2004. Australia: IEEE Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/HPCASIA.2004.1324041
Gross, L., Stokes, N., Barton, N. and Luo, X. (2002). Inexact Uzawa Methods as a Basis for Finite Element Solution of Complex Flow Problems. Second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Iccfd,, Sydney, 15-19 July, 2002. Berlin: Springer - Verlag.
Grosz, L (2000). How to vectorize the algebraic multilevel iteration. International Symposium on Computational Science, W Lafayette Indiana, May 22-26, 1999. NEW YORK: ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. doi: 10.1145/353474.353483
Grosz, L. (2000). Preconditioning by incomplete block elimination. International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Large Sparse Matrix Problems in Industrial Applications (SPARSE 99), Minneapolis, MN United States, 10-12 June 1999. Oxford, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/1099-1506(200010/12)7:7/8<527::AID-NLA211>3.3.CO;2-F
Grosz, L., Roll, C. and Schönauer, W. (1994). Nonlinear finite element problems on parallel computers. 1st International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing PARA '94, Lyngby, Denmark, 20–23 June 1994. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Gross, L., Sterneckee, P. and Schönauer, W. (1990). Optimal data structures for an efficient vectorized finite element code. Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing CONPAR 90 - VAPP IV, Zurich, Switzerland, 10–13 September 1990. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag. doi: 10.1007/3-540-53065-7_122
Data Collections
Lutz Gross, Andrea Codd and Adam Ellery (2023). esys-escript 6.0. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/24e6e34
Ellery, Adam, Codd, Andrea and Gross, Lutz (2022). esys-escript 5.9. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/fb2212a
Ellery, Adam, Codd, Andrea and Gross, Lutz (2021). esys-escript 5.8. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/84f4666
Ellery, Adam, Codd, Andrea and Gross, Lutz (2021). esys-escript 5.7. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/2ff4c34
Ellery, Adam, Codd, Andrea and Gross, Lutz (2020). esys-escript 5.6. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2020.966
Ellery, Adam, Codd, Andrea and Gross, Lutz (2020). esys-escript 5.5. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2020.118
Ellery, Adam, Fenwick, Joel and Gross, Lutz (2019). esys-escript 5.3. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2019.4
Ellery, Adam, Fenwick, Joel and Gross, Lutz (2019). esys-escript 5.4. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2019.510
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Du Plessis, Jaco, Shaw, Simon, Boros, Vince, Amirbekyan, Artak, Kettle, Louise M., Muhlhaus, Hans B., Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi, Graham, Leon and Steube, Ken (2015). escript-finley 4.0. School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.102
Gross, Lutz, Amirbekyan, Artak, Gao, Lin, Altinay, Cihan and Fenwick, Joel (2015). escript-finley 3.1. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.351
Gross, Lutz, Amirbekyan, Artak, Altinay, Cihan, Fenwick, Joel and Gao, Lin (2015). escript-finley 3.0. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.352
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi and Boros, Vince (2015). escript-finley 3.3.1. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.357
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi and Gao, Lin (2015). escript-finley 3.3. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.355
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel , Altinay, Cihan and Amirbekyan, Artak (2015). escript-finley 3.2. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.353
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel , Altinay, Cihan , Amirbekyan, Artak, Boros, Vince, Gao, Lin and Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi (2015). escript-finley 3.2.1. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.354
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Du Plessis, Jaco, Shaw, Simon, Boros, Vince, Amirbekyan, Artak, Kettle, Louise M., Muhlhaus, Hans B., Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi, Graham, Leon and Steube, Ken (2015). escript-finley 4.1. School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset)
Gross, Lutz, Altinay, Cihan, Fenwick, Joel, Shaw, Simon and Boros, Vince (2012). escript-finley 3.4.1. School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.356
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Du Plessis, Jaco, Shaw, Simon and Boros, Vince (2012). escript-finley 3.4.2. School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.103
Gross, Lutz, Altinay, Cihan , Fenwick, Joel , Salehi, Azadeh and Boros, Vince (2012). escript-finley 3.4. The School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/352971
Generic Documents
Gross, Lutz, Fenwick, Joel, Altinay, Cihan, Du Plessis, Jaco, Shaw, Simon, Boros, Vince, Amirbekyan, Artak, Kettle, Louise M., Muhlhaus, Hans B., Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi, Graham, Leon and Steube, Ken (2014). esys-Escript User’s Guide: Solving Partial Differential Equations with Escript and Finley Release - 4.0 (r5402). School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland.
Gross, Lutz, Altinay, Cihan, Amirbekyan, Artak, Fenwick, Joel, Kettle, Louise M., Steube, Ken, Graham, Leon, Muhlhaus, Hans B., Boros, Vince, Gharibi, Azadeh Salehi and Du Plessis, Jaco (2014). esys-Escript User’s Guide: Solving Partial Differential Equations with Escript and Finley Release - 3.4.2 (r4925). School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland.
Gross, Lutz, Cihan Altinay, Amirbekyan, Artak, Joel Fenwick, Kettle, Louise M., Steube, Ken, Leon Graham, Muhlhaus, Hans B., Vince Boros and Simon Shaw (2013). esys-Escript User’s Guide: Solving Partial Differential Equations with Escript and Finley. Release - 3.4.1 (r4596). University of Queensland, School of Earth Sciences.
Gross, Lutz, Cihan Altinay, Amirbekyan, Artak, Joel Fenwick, Kettle, Louise M., Steube, Ken, Leon Graham and Muhlhaus, Hans B. (2012). esys-Escript User’s Guide: Solving Partial Differential Equations with Escript and Finley. Release - 3.3 (r3938). University of Queensland, School of Earth Sciences.
Gross, Lutz, Cihan Altinay, Amirbekyan, Artak, Kettle, Louise M., Steube, Ken, Leon Graham and Muhlhaus, Hans B. (2011). esys-Escript User’s Guide: Solving Partial Differential Equations with Escript and Finley Release - 3.2.1 (r3613). University of Queensland, School of Earth Sciences.
Hallam, Antony, Gross, Lutz, Cihan Altinay, Amirbekyan, Artak, Fenwick, Joel and Gao, Lin (2011). The escript cookbook: Release - 3.2.1 (r3613). University of Queensland, School of Earth Sciences.
Hallam, Antony, Gross, Lutz, Altinay, Cihan, Amirbekyan, Artak, Fenwick, Joel and Gao, Lin (2010). The escript cookbook: Release - 3.2 (r3422). Earth Systems Science Computational Centre (ESSCC).
Gross, Lutz, Altinay, Cihan, Amirbekyan, Artak, Fenwick, Joel, Olsen-Kettle, Louise, Steube, Ken, Graham, Leon and Muhlhaus, Hans (2009). esys User's guide: Solving partial differential equations with Escript and Finley. Release 3.0 (r2601). Earth Systems Science Computational Centre (ESSCC), University of Queensland.