Former Physics academic, Dr John Steele, passed away on 18 January 2016. Dr Steele (pictured in 1992, photo courtesy University of Queensland Archives) became a Senior Lecturer in UQ’s Physics Department, working at UQfrom 1968 until 1995.
John was a member of the environmental physics group at UQ in the 1970s, and completed his PhD at UQ in ionospheric physics.
He published “The Brisbane River: an illustrated history” (1976), a copy of which the Museum of Brisbane features in its current exhibition about the city’s iconic 344km waterway.
John’s historical writings on early Brisbane and south-east Queensland included titles such as “Brisbane Town in convict days, 1824-1842” (1975), “Conrad Martens in Queensland: the frontier travels of a colonial artist” (1978), and “Aboriginal Pathways in Southeast Queensland and the Richmond River” (1984), demonstrating a parallel academic fascination of history and places.
In 2001, he was recognised with the honour of Member of the Order of Australia for service to the community through the recording of the history of South East Queensland, fostering and enhancing the community spirit of all groups on North Stradbroke Island, and through the Anglican Church.