Maths awards presented to Centralian Senior College students

27 Apr 2017

At the invitation of the Mathematics Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory, Dr Yoni Nazarathy presented three math curiosity presentations in mid-April to teachers and students at the Centralian Senior College, the largest senior secondary education provider in Alice Springs.

The first presentation was to a wide group of secondary students and showcased the meaning of mathematical research, university and a teaching-and-research career.  It also featured “proof” of the formula of the arithmetic series with a demonstration by Centralian's maths teacher Eunice De Kock doing an increasing number of push-ups, with a decreasing number of sit-ups by presenter Yoni Nazarathy.  The students were participative and interested asking questions and having a laugh at the 'old' teachers doing a Maths workout.

The second presentation was to a group of eight math enthusiastic children aged 10-14. Together with teachers, the students explored famous irrational numbers and their meaning. 

The third presentation was to a group of ten mathematics and physics teachers. Differences between secondary school mathematics and university mathematics were discussed including a computer demonstration of random phenomena.
