Homotopy type theory

19 March 2018 2:00pm3:00pm
Richard Garner (Macquarie University)

From Yrast states to funding States

2 March 2018 2:00pm3:00pm
Professor Aidan Byrne, UQ Provost

Reduced expressions and similarities between categories.

20 February 2018 4:00pm5:00pm
Se-Jin Oh, Ewha Womans University, Seoul

Representation, optimisation and generalisation in deep learning

25 January 2018 3:00pm4:00pm
Professor Peter Bartlett, UC Berkeley 

The fractional laplacian, extension problems and conformal geometry

20 November 2017 2:00am3:00pm
Mariel Sáez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

From symmetries of crystals to lattices in Lie groups

13 November 2017 2:00pm
Wolfgang Globke (University of Adelaide)


25 October 2017 12:00pm
Daniel Baxter-Wright (Cengage Learning Australia)

Honours talks

23 October 2017 2:00pm

Solving Uncapacitated Facility Location and Network Design Problems

18 October 2017 12:00pm
Mr Robin Pearce (School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland)

Optimization in the Darkness of Uncertainty

17 October 2017 2:45pm
Professor Kate Smith-Miles (University of Melbourne)
