On Monday, 06 March 2023, the School held a reception for SMP Alumni on the Queensland Terrace at the State Library of Queensland. Close to 100 SMP staff and alumni attended, and after an hour of lively conversation over drinks and canapes, during which Head of School, Professor Joseph Grotowski presented an overview of the School’s most notable activities and achievements in the last year, all proceeded in high spirits to the Edge Auditorium for March’s BrisScience public lecture.

Once there, it was clear that the lecture – ‘Illuminating Dark Energy’ by SMP’s own Professor Tamara Davis – had roused a great deal of public interest with the 300 seat auditorium completely packed out. Tamara enthralled the audience with a dynamic presentation of the evidence that has led to the identification of Dark Energy and Dark Matter as fundamental entities in cosmological evolution, however mysterious they may be in essence.