Need help with a tricky tutorial problem or exam prep?

Our learning centres are valuable resources for first-year students.

You can ask our friendly tutors about parts of a course you don't understand, about tutorial problems, or for help with reviewing work before an exam.

Tutorials are voluntary and informal, and you can attend them in addition to your regular tutorials.

Mathematics First-Year Learning Centre​

Location: Priestley Building (67), Room 449, and external students can attend via Zoom

Starts in week 1 and continues to the exam period.

Opening hours: Tuesday, 2pm - 4pm; and Friday, 12-2pm 

Physics Learning Centre​

The Physics Learning Centre comprises 5 in-person drop-in tutorial sessions per week.

Location: Parnell Building (07), Room 208 (Physics Student Tea Room).

Runs during week 2 - Swotvac.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 12.30pm - 2:00pm.

Just drop in to the PLC during the above times with your Physics questions. . 

Other First-Year Learning Centres​

First Year Engineering Learning Centre