An enthusiastic group of UQ students sat the Simon Marais Competition on Saturday, 15 October 2022. The competition went for 6 hours with the questions being quite challenging: even getting one problem correct is an achievement. If you are interested, you can attempt the questions yourself on Paper A (PDF, 159.8 KB) and Paper B (PDF, 147.2 KB).
This year we had several training sessions for our students prior to the competition. We had quite a few physics and engineering students also participating along with the Maths students.

The results are yet to be announced, but congratulations are in order for all the students who faced this challenge with good humour and dedication. Thanks also to the SMP staff who supported this endeavour, including the UQ local coordinator of the Simon Marais Maths Competition for 2022, Dr Masoud Kamgarpour, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics.
For more information about the competition, visit the Simon Marais Mathematics Competition website.