We offer a research-based project course to students interested in research in Mathematics and/or Physics. In this course you will investigate a project in a true research environment under close supervision of an experienced academic. This will give you a unique opportunity to develop core research skills relevant to a wide spectrum of scientific research, including written and oral communication, research skills in the selected discipline, and recording and analysing data.

Eligibility and SCIE course code

SCIE3121 and SCIE3122 are offered in Semesters 1, 2 and Summer Semester.

You can take SCIE3121 if you have completed 24 units prior to enrolment and received approval from your supervisor. SCIE3122 requires completion of SCIE3121 and approval from your supervisor.

Apply for a SCIE project course 

  • Applications must be completed and are available from the specific course site SCIE3121 and SCIE3122 .
  • Applications are due by 2pm on the Friday before Week One of your commencing semester.

Step 1: select a project and supervisor

We recommend that you have a couple of ideas in mind when considering SCIE3121/SCIE3122. You can scan our academic staff list  to ensure that a staff member's area of research interests you, then take the initiative and contact potential supervisors as soon as possible. You don't have to choose from a staff member's current list of potential projects, and you can suggest a project by approaching any academic within our School.

Available projects are listed under each Research Strength  on the School website. Students interested in projects or course areas should consult with the relevant faculty member to discuss a suitable project.

Step 2: complete your application

Once you have confirmed your project and supervisor, download the Project Application Form available from the respective course site - SCIE3121 and SCIE3122 . Complete the form in consultation with your supervisor. You must complete all fields on the application, and sign it. We will not accept incomplete or unsigned applications.

Step 3: submit your application

Submit your completed application form via email to enquiries@scmb.uq.edu.au or to the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB) Administration Office, Level 3, Chemistry Building (68) by 2pm on the Friday before Week One of your commencing semester.

Step 4: await confirmation

Once the application is approved by the Course Coordinator, you will be able to enrol in your course via mySI-net. You will receive an email via your UQ student email account with enrolment instructions once you are able to enrol.

Step 5: enrol in the course

Once your application is approved, we will add you to a permissions list so that you can enrol in the course via mySI-net.

You won't be able to enrol in the appropriate course until we give you permission.

Contact us

Email our Student Administration team if you have further queries about our SCIE project courses.