Solving Uncapacitated Facility Location and Network Design Problems

18 October 2017 12:00pm
Mr Robin Pearce (School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland)

Optimization in the Darkness of Uncertainty

17 October 2017 2:45pm
Professor Kate Smith-Miles (University of Melbourne)

Risk and Sustainability: a Stochastic Stewardship Criterion

29 September 2017 2:00pm
Michel de Lara (École des Ponts ParisTech and Université Paris-Est)

Just-in-Time Support in First Year Mathematics

25 August 2017 2:00pm
Dr Poh Wah Hillock and Dr Sam Kault (The University of Queensland)

Critical thinking - Part 2 - Critical thinking in assessment: putting cognitive verbs into practice

23 August 2017 1:00pm
Peter Ellerton, Director UQ Critical Thinking project (The University of Queensland)
