What applying your degree looks like in industry

24 August 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Speaker: Dr Evan Shellshear

Mahler measures at work

22 August 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Speaker: Wadim Zudilin
Affiliation: Nijmegen

Introduction to the Theory of Newton{Okounkov Bodies

21 August 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Speaker: Professor Askold Khovanskii
Affiliation: University of Toronto

The quest for physics beyond the Standard Model: facts, fancies and opinions

18 August 2023 11:00am12:00pm
Speaker: Professor Ray Volkas
Affiliation: University of Melbourne

Deligne-Simpson problem and roots systems

15 August 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Professor Emmanuel Lettellier
Universite Denis-Diderot (Paris 7)

Bargmann and Fock meet Hardy: an uncertainty principle for operators

14 August 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Professor Sundaram Thangavelu
Indian Institute of Science

Polynomially many genus g surfaces in a hyperbolic 3-manifold

8 August 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Speaker: Anastasiia Tsvietkova, Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Rutgers University

Enlightening the search for dark matter (and exotic physics)

4 August 2023 11:00am12:00pm
Speaker: Dr Ben Roberts
Affiliation: University of Queensland, School of Mathematics and Physics

Isoperimetric type inequalities in geometry and algebra

1 August 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Speaker: Professor Askold Khovanskii
Affiliation: University of Toronto

Extreme value theory for observables on chaotic dynamical systems, in particular exceedances of length k time steps

31 July 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Speaker: Professor Matthew Nicol
Affiliation: University of Houston

An interaction-driven heat engine enabled by atom-atom correlations

28 July 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Speaker: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Affiliation: University of Queensland, School of Mathematics and Physics

Philosophy of quantum theory: Why all the options are puzzling

28 July 2023 11:00am12:00pm
Speaker: Associate Professor Simon Friederich
Affiliation: University of Groningen

The effects of labor choice on investment and output dynamics

27 July 2023 10:00am11:00am
Haejun Jeon
Tokyo University of Science (Japan)

Reflections on mirror symmetry

26 July 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Xenia de la Ossa
Oxford University (UK)

Non-extendable partial Latin Hypercubes and Maximal orthogonal partial Latin Squares

25 July 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Speaker: Professor E. Sule Yazıcı
Affiliation: Koc¸ University

Invariant SKT structures on nilmanifolds

11 July 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Speaker: Romina M. Arroyo
Affiliation: UN Córdoba

Modelling in Hypersonic Fluid Dynamics

7 July 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Speaker: David Petty
Affiliation: UNSW

Latin trades derived from Latin square automorphisms, autotpisms and autoparatopisms

27 June 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
Speaker: Nick Cavenagh
Affiliation: University of Waikato, NZ

A new spin - and charge - on diamond quantum sensing

27 June 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Speaker: Dr Alexander Wood
Affiliation: University of Melbourne

AI4Pandemics Talk #33: Scott Greenhalgh, Siena

7 June 2023 10:00am10:45am
Title: On the application and theory of ODE compartmental models in epidemiology

Enhanced optical geometries for atoms

5 June 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Aidan Arnold
University of Strathclyde, Scotland

How far from flat can you be without being flat

5 June 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Wolfgang Ziller
University of Pennsylvania (USA)


31 May 2023 11:00am12:00pm
Speaker: Ailsa Dickie (ITaLI) and SMP staff
Affiliation: University of Queensland

Atomic structure theory and searches for new physics in precision atomic experiments

26 May 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Speaker: Dr Jacinda Ginges
Affiliation: School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland

Quantum gases: From fundamental physics to quantum simulators and quantum technology

25 May 2023 11:00am12:00pm
Speaker: Professor Matthew Davis
Affiliation: University of Queensland
